Fermín López partido


Fermín López is self-critical after his debut with the Spanish team in the European Championship

Published:25/06/2024 - 11:24h

Updated:26/06/2024 - 04:51h

Fermín López has worked a lot of during the months to keep growing like player, and after his debut in a Eurocopa, the player of the Barça has wanted to leave clear that thinks that could have it done much better

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Fermín López contested his first official minutes in the Eurocopa with Spain. The one of The Campillo ingresó in the minute 62 of the duel in front of Albania (0-1), replacing to Mikel Oyarzabal with little less than half hour for playing. As it is used to to do it in the FC Barcelona, the footballer of 20 years was very intense presionando in contrary field, testing with two shots to door that were refused by the rival saga.

Precisely on this dynamic attitude referred the mediocampista in his analysis of what went his debut in a big tournament with the Red. "With many win and the same have been something precipitated in some played. It touches to work a lot. In the second part lost balloons, but attain the victory and now to eighth". It ensured the player in statements to 'TVE'.

"We have had good feelings. Now to eighth and very happy by the debut and the victory", added also the international Spanish, commenting equally that "I have tried it do the best possible, but the same have been something precipitated. But I go me happy", sustained. The canterano of the Barça also does not have 'wetted' on to who prefers for the next party, the one of the eighth, explaining that "the one who touch will be well, are very motivated in front of the rival that was", sentenced.

The Olympic games, a point that Fermín also has in mind

On the other hand, Fermín commented the possibility to go to the Olympic games, something that has aimed in his list of dreams for fulfilling, although it does not know if the Barça will allow it to him when treating of a tournament that is not inside the calendar of the FIFA. "The 26 (Wednesday) goes out the list, will see that it happens. Obviously it can not refuse represent to my country. It is a dream for fulfilling. With you win but it does not know ", it said in mixed zone after his debut in a Eurocopa.

"I do not know that it will say the Barcelona, has not communicated me at all", aimed also the mediocampista, the one who added that "I am very happy, have happened hard moments, has cost me the his. Now they know better the things, but remains me a lot for visiting", explained. And it is that Fermín does a year was closing his season in First RFEF after having been yielded in the Linares, showing his big growth during the last 12 months.

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