Lamine Yamal en un duelo en la Eurocopa


Lamine Yamal, excited and committed to Spain after his splendid debut at the Euro

Published:15/06/2024 - 21:42h

Updated:15/06/2024 - 21:42h

Lamine Yamal has been one of the most positive news stories of Spain's debut in the Euro Cup. The footballer was very emotional and he expressed this after the match in Berlin

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Spain lived a splendid afternoon in Berlin in his debut in the Eurocopa. They won with a lot of 'solvency' to Croatia and reaffirmed that they are one of the selections to take in account in this edition of the championship. For Lamine Yamal has been an unforgettable day, place has debuted and turned into the youngest footballer in playing and assist in the history of the Euro. It signed a very good performance and presented his candidature like big disclosure of this summer.

After the party, the footballer of 16 years offered some statements to TVE in which it revealed which were his feelings. It has confessed to be very happy by the result, but already are thinking in the next party (against Italy, the Thursday to the 21:00 hours CEST), in which they will have to sign a perfect performance to direct the classification to the following phase of the competition.

The statements of Lamine Yamal

Lamine Yamal puntualizó that "am very happy by the victory, by the debut and to think already in the following party", highlighting that he is to help in what it need the selection, without mattering the role or the responsibilities: "At the end the team wants to play inside and I am to help to the team, defend, what do lacking".

On the other hand, it has stood out the importance that has the fact that it is a selecciónmuy young and that have a lot of spirits to show that they are in conditions of 'litigate' for marking the difference in Germany: "we Are a very effective team because the work of all these months has seen today", signalled, 'wetting' also on the assistance that gave to a Dani Carvajal that premièred like goleador of 'The Red': "it Is in a state of incredible form and I gladden me by his goal", insisted.

Lamine Yamal carries the praises

The young player of the FC Barcelona has carried praises by part of his mates. Dani Carvajal Did not doubt in highlighting his big importance for the victory, by how surpassed to Gvardiol: "Lamine has been very well as in several occasions has surpassed to Gvardiol. The two bands have been very well. We are very happy because we have played a very good party that puts us already almost in eighth".

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