Robert Lewandowski en la Eurocopa


Lewandowski was not 'enough' for a Poland that needs a miracle at the Euro (1-3)

Published:21/06/2024 - 20:31h

Updated:21/06/2024 - 23:02h

Barring a miracle, Robert Lewandowski's Poland have said goodbye to Euro 2024 on the second day. They were left half-heartedly behind by a very convincing Austria that was far superior and ended up with an exciting result ahead of the final day of the group stage.

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The Eurocopa is being a very thrilling tournament and one in which the surprises become the norm. The disappointments, also. Poland goes in in the second group and have left a very worrisome performance in the two days of the phase of groups that have contested up to now, with the 'bad' luck that the last presentation will be against France. They fell in front of Low Countries (1-2) and had a last 'bullet' in front of Austria, but did not give signals to want to (or can) compete. They finish arrollados.

The party, for the Poles, was marked by the absence of Robert Lewandowski. It fell lesionado in the last friendly preparatory, against Turkey, and lost the crash against the Dutch. It seemed that yes it could start against Austria, but Michał Probierz left him in the bench because it was not to 100%. And it noticed , when ingresó in the second half. The forward of the FC Barcelona was not comfortable in the lawn and left a very poor performance that did not reach to give 'fight' to a very solid Austria that, once did with the reins of the party, went through on of his rival.

Poland held... And sucumbió in front of a very solid Austria

During the first-half, the Austrians were upper but only were able to annotate a goal for 'move' the marker to the nine minutes with a potentísimo head butt of Trauner after a centre of Mwene from background line. Poland tried to react and to the half hour of the crash equalised strengths in the electronic with a goal, with fortune, of Piatek after a refuse. The history happened to be much more equalised,p rometiendo a second much more contested time with the entrance of Lewandowski (59'), but the Poles surrendered very soon.

And Austria the aprovehó. Eight minutes after the entry of the Polish captain, the ones of Ralf Rangnick signed a grandísima played by the left that finish with a centre of Prass to Baumgartner so that it did not forgive of face to the goal. The so much left touched to a Poland that did not find forms to attack and that, in spite of the entrance of Lewandowski, did not appear in rival area. In the 76', received the estocada final.

Arnautovic Gave the definite hit to Poland

And it is that Sabitzer received a balloon to go in career, entirely only, until the area in a hand manually in front of Szczesny. It dribbled him, but it finish being demolished. The main referee did not doubt in earning penalti and Arnautovic, deceiving to the guardameta of the Juventus, commanded the balloon to save to put an important advantage and leave the classification of Poland to eighth in an authentic utopia.

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