Lamine Yamal y Pedri González, en un partido con España


Barça 'key' at the Euros! Lamine Yamal and Pedri continue to shine for Spain

Published:21/06/2024 - 00:11h

Updated:21/06/2024 - 00:11h

'La Roja' is 'launching' in the Euro Cup and there are already several names in a team that, although it did not start as a favourite, is convincing, pleasing and frightening. Lamine Yamal and Pedri González start as essential pieces in this 'new' Spain.

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Luis de la Fuente has achieved that the pieces of the puzzle of Spain fit, or this has showed in the first two parties of the Eurocopa. Against all prognosis, betting by players very 'signalled' and leaving to others on the way, the seleccionador national already has 'put' to 'The Red' to the eighth of final of the continental tournament. They split without being favourite, but the performances against Croatia and Italy leave them like one of the big candidates to the title.

In the drawing of De la Fuente has highlighted how has managed the centre of the field for propiciar his more effective version. It is not one 'surprise' the good level and the reliability that offers Rodrigo Hernández like pivote, but yes has impressed how have appeared Fabián Ruíz (Paris Saint-Germain) and Pedri González (FC Barcelona) to carry the reins of the team to offensive level... And be two of the players more determinants on the lawn.

Pedri 'Give back' the confidence in Spain

The case of Pedri is one of the most special, by how arrived. It had lived an end of positive season with the Barça, but went a year in which it happened long lesionado and hardly had continuity. With Spain, has found a role in which it feels excesivamentee comfortable and in which it can give loose rein to his best virtues. So much in front of Croatia as in front of Italy, saw much more advanced, splitting almost by behind Álvaro Morata and with too much mobility in zone of attack.

It has had the opportunity to associate much more with the extremes, Nico Williams and Lamine Yamal, but also to appear in the area like a striker more. In front of the Italians found him like a '9' in two opportunities, but did not have luck of face to goal: The first, a head butt, hunted it Donnarumma and the second, a finish from the heart of the area, left him very diverted. It was a key player to generate superiorities, give pause and also generate occasions of goal. The only 'but', and part by the approach, is that it does not have so much contact with the balloon as it would like him.

Lamine Yamal reaffirms like differential player

From the City Condal can celebrate the performance of the Canarian, as well as the one of a Lamine Yamal that it already is fixed in the plans of De la Fuente and that, once again, marked the difference by the right band. It was the attendant of desequilibrar beside Nico and finish signing a so complete performance like improper of a player of 16 years. It commissioned to surpass to Dimarco all the times that could and of his boots were born any of the best opportunities of Spain.

Had one of the clearest opportunities of the party, with a finish potentísimo that went near of the stick of Donnarumma, won the majority of his dribblings (4/6), commanded a finish to the stick, gave a key pass and signed 85% of tarpaulin in his passes (23/27). The goal continues him resisting, although it has tried it untiringly against Croatia and Italy. Of his gunpowder and 'magic' when it goes in career leaving to rivals by the way will depend a lot the success of 'The Red'. And it is one of the best news for the Barça.

Ferran and Fermín, without impact

Those who are not making big showing, as it was to expect , are Fermín López and Ferran Torres. The first still has not debuted in the Eurocopa, but of face to the party against Albania could have minutes for rotar and give rest to the players titled, whereas the attacker of Foios has gone in in both clashes from the bench. Against Italy left feelings found, because it did not have any 'big' action, but has been, also, because it found a context of party in which already the Spaniards asked the hour and the 'azzurri' exhausted all his bullets.

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