Joao Félix en un entrenamiento


Joao Félix's 'disappearance' with Portugal is a 'favor' to FC Barcelona

Published:24/06/2024 - 20:33h

Updated:25/06/2024 - 03:51h

In two rounds of the group stage of the European Championship, Joao Félix has been left without minutes for Portugal. It has been a 'blow' for the player, who wanted to redeem himself, but it could be positive news for FC Barcelona in the summer transfer market.

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Joao Félix is happening careless in this Eurocopa. Roberto Martínez has 'happened' of him in the clashes in front of the Czech Republic and in front of Turkey. In this last was especially surprising because Portugal was winning, with a wide difference, from the hour of party. The alone Catalan trainer changed to Rafael Leao in the attack and left to the still player of the FC Barcelona, in addition to Gonçalo Bouquets, in the bench.

Everything seems to indicate to that the bet in the leading will be clear.. And fixed. In addition to Leao, Cristiano Ronaldo and Bernardo Silva seem indisputable and will keep this role in the most important parties, by what the ex of the Benfica would have to 'litigate' for adding minutes. It is one very bad news for an Athletic of Madrid that expected that Joao Félix revalorizara during this summer to achieve the aim to sell him by a mount significant.

And it is that, it is worth it to remember, the intention of the group 'colchonero' is to concretise the definite sale of the international with Portugal and 'esquivar' the third consecutive cession. They want to recover part of the investment that did in 2019, of 127 million euros, of when him ficharon from the Benfica. For the moment, it seems a stage more than unlikely. Joao Félix did not have a season 'hopeful' with the Barça and, probably, have very few options to stand out with the lusos.

The Barça, slope of the ostracism of Joao Félix in Portugal

For the Catalans, in case that no 'stand out' in this Eurocopa, can be a very good news in key market. The intention of the culés is to achieve an agreement with the rojiblancos to extend the cession of the player of 24 years by a season more, until the summer of 2025, without having to pay a mount extra. That is to say, retort the conditions that had right now. It split like an option complicated, but in front of his ostracism in Germany wins strength that remain .

In any case, everything seems to indicate to that the situation of Joao Félix with Portugal will improve in the last day of the phase of groups, against Georgia, because it aims to 'colarse' in the eleven initial of Roberto Martínez. Already they are classified and will look for the puntaje perfect, by what the most likely is that they have rotations for 'take care' to the indisputable players in the XI.

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