Fermín López in training with Spain


Fermín clarifies Barça's position on its presence in the Games and if it fears being another 'Pedri

Published:28/06/2024 - 12:09h

Updated:28/06/2024 - 12:10h

Fermín López has spoken very clearly about his presence with Spain in the Olympic Games, also analyzing the potential that Real Madrid will have next season and if there is any culé fear in this regard

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This week confirmed that Fermín López will live a very intense summer. The midfield player, that is contesting the Eurocopa with Spain, also has gone in in the list of preparation of Santi Denia for the Olympic games. Like this, the canterano Barcelona already has engaged a big part of his holidays and of his pre-season with the FC Barcelona to be in Paris contesting the medals.

This situation, as it expected , has generated some worry in the Barça, conscious that the player could finish exhausto and saturated, especially thinking in precedents no very far, like the case of Pedri, that in his first year in the elite played almost 70 parties in a season. Especially this has spoken very clear the own Fermín, signalling in 'OK Daily' that "when I knew the announcement the FC Barcelona also agreed. They did not put any problem", ensured.

Fermín is very ilusionado with his 'doublet' and does not think that exist too many risks

"Personally also it liked me be in the Games. I think that it is something only for any sportsman", ensured, being besides very conclusive when ensuring that there are "zero problems" on his double participation in international tournaments this summer. "Represent to Spain is the maximum. Now I am in the Eurocopa, afterwards to the Olympic games and for me is a dream. I face it with a lot of illusion", commented Fermín.

"If it is truth that there are a lot of parties and a lot of competitions. But well, personally I seat me well physically. And I think that I am prepared to bend in these two championships", explained also the one of The Campillo, showing security in that they will not have physical consequences the following course by his presence in Paris with the olympic team Spanish.

In front of the query on what him sucedió to Pedri and his back injuries to the season in which it contested Eurocopa and Games, Fermín does not see similarities in his situation. "No, no, I do not have fear. I think that the of Pedri was, do not know, bad luck. It was a case that happened him to him and does not want to say that it go us to happen to all. Ojalá That no. It is not something that think neither to what have fear", ensured.

Fermín has clear that the Barça does not have any fear by the Madrid

Finally, Fermín has 'wet' on the signings and the potential of the Real Madrid of face to the following season, being very clear also on Kilian Mbappé: "Have zero fear in the Barça to Mbappé", signalled, as well as "zero fear in the Barcelona to Vinicius", answered. "Obviously, the Barça himself can compete him to the Madrid. We at the end are the Barça. The Real Madrid always goes to have big players, but we also. And next year safe that will struggle against them by all the titles", highlighted.

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