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Outrageous! A Córdoba player insulted Catalonia during the promotion celebrations

Published:25/06/2024 - 00:04h

Updated:25/06/2024 - 03:44h

Part of the Córdoba CF squad has shown an outrageous attitude during the celebrations for promotion to LaLiga Hipermotion. The videos shared on social networks portrayed the defender José Calderón, who launched serious insults against Catalonia

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The victory of the Córdoba in front of the Barça Atlètic (2-1) took out to relucir the worst of the fans and part of the staff of the group 'blanquiverde'. The promotion to LaLiga Hipermotion has offered a big celebration in the Andalusian region, but also has given place to regrettable incidents. During a direct of Instagram, the defender of 24 years, José Manuel Calderón, profirió grave insults against Catalonia that they would have to be object of sanction.

"I crap me in the dead persons of all the Catalans", shouted the side in repeated opportunities, in addition to leaving some 'detail' to Héctor Fort. Further of the euphoria desatada and the characteristic excesses of these situations, the insults evidencian the hostile climate that lived the Barcelona subsidiary during all the weekend, including, of course, the duel contested the Sunday in the New stadium Arcángel home full.

The Barça Atlètic also lidió with a rain of insults in Córdoba

During the final of turn by the promotion to Second, the cry "Bitch Barça and bitch Catalonia" also did feel during good part of the 90 minutes, without any called to the wisdom of the vocería internal of the stadium or some objection of the referees commissioned of the commitment. At the end, the so much initial of Héctor Fort was insufficient for the aspirations culés. The doublet of Alberto Toril sealed the traced back and the classification cordobesa, taking advantage of the 1-1 obtained the past week in Catalonia.

For the Barça Atlètic, the season closes of a bitter form, but the balance goes back to be positive after the multiple changes that suffered the staff the past summer. What yes seems complicated to these heights is to have the continuity of Rafa Márquez, since the Mexican has offers very interesting to return to his country and direct in the designated League MX. Regarding the insults of the Córdoba, the club could take actions in front of the RFEF to demand the corresponding sanctions.

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