Laporta preocupado en el FC Barcelona


A prestigious economist assures that FC Barcelona needs 100 million to pay the payroll

Published:21/06/2024 - 15:36h

Updated:21/06/2024 - 15:36h

Marc Ciria, prestigious Spanish economist, presented a formula for Barça to pay off its debt. In addition, he assured that the club is looking for 100 million euros to pay the payroll.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Marc Ciria, financial and partner of the FC Barcelona, beside Ivan Head, economist, professor of the Universitat of Barcelona and also partner of the entity culé, presented the conference 'Solucions Financeres pel FC Barcelona'. The report, carried out in the room Modigliani of the 'Barcelona Finance School', went a report of the economic problems of the club and a series of solutions to put him end to these incovenientes.

Both economists put to disposal of the institution the formula not to "be in hands of an alone creditor", that in this case would be Goldman Sachs. The proposal of the west based in "diversifying the debt, because have an opportunity inmejorable to project a restructuring of the same that allow to preserve the model of property, generate free box until the full exploitation of the Spotify Camp Nou and can be competitive with regard to the clubs-Been to short and half term", as it explained Ciria.

"The current situation of the financial markets this 2024 is optimum to react and restructure the debt to short and half term, avoiding different vencimientos inasumibles like the one of 568 million euros in 2028", continued the economist.

Marc, jointly with Ivan Head, sustained that "it has to have a change in the current structure of the debt, formulating a loan to 15 years of 800 million euros, with two years of lack, for expecting to have the full exploitation of the Spotify Camp Nou". This first step derives in a second measure. "It is necessary a new broadcast of the bonos of the Spotify Camp Nou to 25 years with rating BBB or upper", added Ciria. "It would consist of a broadcast of €1.450m that would allow to amortise the current (~7%) reducing the types of interest to 3,5%-4%, doing viable the operation", sentenced.

The big problem of the Barça

Finally, Ciria warned "because all knows in this mundillo, that the Barça is looking for one hundred million euros to pay the payrolls. This does not answer to any economic plan". Of the same way, Marc ensured that "the obligations suppose more than one hundred million euros in financial entities" and that "are not viable neither sustainable today" if it does not activate a plan of feasibility of urgent form like which propose and of the that are by the work to change and argue what do lacking with the aim to put him end to the 'drama' financial and save the club.

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