Ferran Torres en el duelo entre España y Albania en la Eurocopa 2024


Problem for Barça! The Federation wants Ferran Torres to also play with Spain in the Games

Published:25/06/2024 - 17:08h

Updated:26/06/2024 - 04:43h

The Spanish team would be interested in calling up Ferran Torres for the next Olympic Games in Paris, which would mean that the player would do the Euro-Games double. This situation would not be well received by FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has turned into one of the clubs more 'signalled' in this period of the year, in which there is football of international selections and several competitions in dispute. Why? Then , because the club culé has more than a player that could be easily splits of two important competitions: the Eurocopa and the Olympic games. In a principle, the names that more stood out were the ones of Pau Cubarsí and Lamine Yamal, two youngsters 'jewels' that were in the announcement of Luis of Source for the Eurocopa and, because of his age (17 and 16 years, respectively), could form part of the selection Sub-23 for the next Olympic games of Paris.

After this idea lost something of strength, the name that began to earn more importance was the one of Fermín López, since the onubense has had little time of game in the Eurocopa (up to now only has played 29 minutes), would not be descartable his announcement. Nevertheless, it has arisen a new name that promises to generate even more controversy if it is summoned: Ferran Torres.

The 'Shark', the one who was protagonist with the 'Red' in the commitment against Albania, being the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the day with an annotation that resulted key for the victory of Spain (0-1), as they comment from 'Sportive World', would be being considered by the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF) like one of the greater of 23 years that could form part of the announcement of Santi Denia for the Olympic games. This could represent some discomfort for the FC Barcelona.

The problem behind the announcement of Ferran Torres to the Olympic games

In spite of not being headline in the diagram of Luis de la Fuente in the Eurocopa, the one of Foios is far to be a secondary player in the plans of the trainer riojano. Even, it has seen action in all the meetings of the Spanish selection in this tournament, adding a total of 94 minutes of game, and expects that it can 'rascar' some more if Spain advances in the back phases, since it is a revulsivo usual.

Join to the selection that will contest the Olympic games would mean an additional load of game for a player that this season with the FC Barcelona has participated in 45 meetings and accumulated a total of 2.088 minutes of game. Likewise, because of the dates in which it contests this tournament (24 July - 10 August), would coincide with the start of the pre-season of the Barcelona cast under the direction of Hansi Flick. Therefore, it is likely that the Valencian want to assimilate the fastest possible to the orders of the German technician to convince it that it is an active useful.

Now, if Ferran finishes being partícipe of this double announcement with Spain, will have little time to rest or desconectar. Although his called results tempting, since it is one of the goleadores 'top' of the Spanish selection, being the fourteenth better tanteador in the history of the 'Red' with 20 targets, also is true that seems quite complicated.

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