Javier Zanetti en una imagen de archivo


Javier Zanetti's 'praise' for Barça's youth players

Published:13/06/2024 - 21:19h

Updated:14/06/2024 - 05:27h

In the midst of the VIII International LaLiga FC Futures Tournament in Orlando, Javier Zanetti has spoken about the performance of the youngsters who are participating in the summer championship

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Orlando is showing his version more futbolera with the dispute of the VIII International Tournament LaLiga FC Futures that has gathered to the best teams sub-12 and in which it is present the FC Barcelona, that premièred with a big victory in front of the Real Sociedad (4-2) and that has left 'loved' to the personalities gathered in the championship in the Florida.

And it is that it does not be necessary to overlook that, varied of the players that are in the tournament, are children of exfutbolistas that have decided to accompany them. Javier Zanetti, historical footballer that made history in the Inter of Milan between 1995 and 2014, is one of them. His son, Tomás, is present in Orlando representing to the Ideasport.

The statements of Zanetti in Orlando

It was present in the first meeting of the day, that contested the Barça against the Real Sociedad, and in statements collected by the newspaper SPORT confessed that it was impressed with the talent that was seeing in the players that are participating: "it is liking Me the quality that there is in a lot of boys. They are 12 years old, but I think that already they show have a lot of clarity of football and a lot of qualities in his feet".

On the other hand, it has spoken on the possibility that sy son, Tomás, cross with the Inter of Miami, where are the children of Leo Messi, Thiago, and Luis Suárez, Benja: "it would like Me that they will confront , because I know to Leo and to the family, but what more would like me is that my son amuse and of this experience take out beautiful things of the football and to be with friends", sentenced.

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