Pedri, Oriol Romeu y Gündogan celebrando con Fermín el gol de la victoria ante el Sevilla


Hansi Flick's 'puzzle' in the FC Barcelona midfield

Published:22/06/2024 - 14:42h

Updated:22/06/2024 - 14:42h

Flick brings with it a change of scheme. The German would find himself in an important dilemma, since Pedri and Gündogan would compete for the same position

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The landing of Hansi Flick in the bench of the FC Barcelona brings achieve a 'revolution' in the team. The German trainer 'patearía' the board and would have in mind repeat the 4-2-3-1 that carried him to achieve the sextete with the Bayern Munich, as they inform from 'SPORT'. Nevertheless, this decision would require of the movement of some pieces inside the square.

And it is that in this approach, the double pivote would be conformed by Frenkie of Jong and the possible new signing of the club, with Joshua Kimmich, Mikel Merino and Angelo Stiller like main applicants in the City Condal. Besides, Gavi also could exert in this demarcation once recover of his grave injury of knee.

This situation would leave to Flick with a dilemma that resolve: the one of the mediapunta. Although Gündogan and Pedri have showed that they can play from the base, the true is that both footballers are managing in a nearer zone to the area, what turns them into the big candidates to occupy this position the new project of Flick.

The Canarian pronuncipo in this regard it does some months in a previous press conference to a duel of Champions. González ensured that "they are two positions in which I seat me comfortable. In the base touch more balloon and have more participation and up are more for the last pass and define. They like me the two and attempt do it the best possible".

Gündogan, the joker

By his part, Ilkay was the 'utility' of the team of Xavi Hernández. The mediocampista played almost all the parties under the orders of the egarense like organiser from the base, having greater weight in the creation of the played and the handle of the times of the party. However, in the Manchester City exerted in a more advanced zone of the field, being key from this position in the achievement of the triplete of the 'skyblues'.

The season is long and Flick will handle both alternatives of agreement to the rival that was in front, with Fermín López as 'covered' to offer a distinct profile to the position. The true is that, in spite of the existent doubts regarding the role of each one, Pedri and Gündogan will be transcendental in the diagram of the German.

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