Vinicius peleando con el árbitro ante Paraguay


Vinicius 'fought' with half of Paraguay and with the referee on his best night with Brazil

Published:29/06/2024 - 09:18h

Updated:29/06/2024 - 09:18h

Vinicius Jr. was the great figure in Brazil's victory against Paraguay. However, the player returned to his 'adventures' and starred in a couple of unfortunate moments in the match.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The selection of Brazil achieved his first triumph of the Glass America 2024 with a goleada conclusive in front of Paraguay. The 'canarinha' and, especially, Vinicius Jr., they arrived to the meeting in research of the redemption after a debut more than disappointing in front of Costa Rica. The duel in front of the 'ticos' was one for the forget of the '7' Brazilian, that went the main signalled by the criticisms because of the long of the week.

In spite of this, the star of the Real Madrid has showed to know sobreponerse to adverse moments and completed a night 'magic' in front of the square guaraní. The forward was the maximum figure of the 'Scratch du Gold', being the main manager of the triumph carioca when annotating the doublet that began to give him form to the goleada of the 'verdeamarela' to the group albirrojo.

However, no all were 'lights' stops to the extreme, whose performance remained 'marked' by a pair of controversies that already begin to be habit in each one of his participations in the parties. With the 'canarinha' two goals up in the marker, Vini took advantage of for lucirse with stepped, bicycles and dribblings, 'heating' the spirits of some Paraguayans that did not find the way to detain him by the band.

'Tangana' And yellow

When the meeting was to the 'edge' of the rest, Wendell and Balbuena 'enzarzaron' in the band and, far keep to the margin for no scalar the conflict, the footballer merengue put in the tumult to cause to the contrary players. Mathías Villasanti went on of the footballer and had to be contained by mates and rival, whereas Vini moved away of the 'fight' after 'throw firewood to the fire'.

The forward answered with a goal more to the edge of the halftime, but in the second part would continue his particular show of 'luxuries' and provocations. The Brazilian, with attitude 'chulesca' followed looking for the 'hat trick', but his attempts did not give fruits. In the half, the player saw the yellow card to the minute 83 for protesting to the referee, closing like this a full performance of 'lights and shadows' in front of the Paraguayans.

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