Christensen gol Barça


Andreas Christensen, surprisingly superior to Zubimendi in almost all statistics

Published:3/06/2024 - 11:27h

Updated:4/06/2024 - 02:10h

FC Barcelona has had many injury problems this season, something that led to Andreas Christensen at the center. And after more than half a season in that role, the Dane has left numbers that compare with those of a culé target for that position

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Andreas Christensen has been a fundamental player for the FC Barcelona during the two seasons that has dressed the Barcelona T-shirt. In his debut, the Danish won a place in the XI, displacing to Jules Koundé to the side, and forming one of the best societies of all Europe beside Ronald Araújo.

Now, in his second course, the defender has had to step more in his consolidation like an important name of the staff culé when assuming the role of mediocentro title of the team, a position that although it is only some metres more advance of which has played all his career, is entirely distinct. However, Christensen assumed the commitment with the professionalism and the character that characterise him, contesting little more than half course under this role.

Christensen has finished having a big season like pivote

The result, in spite of the irregular of the team, has been exceptional. For the requirement that represents to be the mediocentro of the Barça, but knowing that it was not a footballer accustomed to this position, the numbers have backed at all times his work. In fact, the skilled web 'DataMB' has signalled that the player culé has been upper in a lot of statistical that one of the best mediocentro of all LaLiga, Martín Zubimendi.

The Basque, the one who in fact is one of the aims of the Barça for the summer in his attempt to reinforce this zone of the midfield, has seen surpassed in several appearances by a Christensen that 'only' contested some 800 minutes less in this position. The information signals to the Danish like a player much more determinant to the hour to play to forward, already was with drivings or passes.

The numbers of Christensen have been more than excellent

'DataMB' Analyses the performance of the players and classifies them in distinct levels porcentuales, as it is for example the passes of Christensen to the zone of attack, in which it situates inside 100% better of LaLiga, the maximum figure to which can aspire in any section of the game. Tollí surpass widely to a Zubimendi that remained with 73,2%, as well as in passes to forward, where the triumph for the culé is of 66,7% to 49,4% of the Basque.

Of seven points that analyse , happening from defensive work, passes, drivings and duels, Zubimendi only can surpass in two of them to Christensen, the one who always is necessary to remember that it is not a mediocentro 'natural'. The Nordic remains short especially in defensive actions (24,1% to 36,1%), whereas in passes nail the difference if it is much more reduced, although still in favour of the player of the Real Sociedad: 11,9% to 14,5%.

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