lamine yamal españa


Lamine Yamal opens up about her role as a student and the subjects she likes least

Published:19/06/2024 - 00:10h

Updated:19/06/2024 - 00:10h

Lamine Yamal spoke with 'El Partidazo de COPE' about his current situation in the Spanish National Team. When referring to his secondary school studies, the FC Barcelona youth player joked about his grades and the subjects that are most difficult for him to pass

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The first participation of Lamine Yamal with Spain in the Eurocopa does not suppose a pause in the educational training of the footballer of 16 years. In full tournament, the juvenile of the FC Barcelona goes on with his duties in the 4° years of Compulsory Secondary Education (THIS), further of the challenge that supposes to face his first big international tournament without neglecting the studies.

In a talk with 'The Partidazo of COPE', the 'crack' of the Selection took advantage of for desvelar which matters result him an authentic headache. "Mathematics and History, that it is necessary to study a lot, are the subjects that more cost me", commented Yamal the one who outlines like one of the indisputable of Luis de la Fuente for the rest of the Euro in Germany.

The message of Lamine to his professors of the ISO

To his time, the Catalan extreme referred to how will attain lidiar with his student duties this summer. The commitments with the Selection will avoid, perhaps, that the player go back to classes this course, but no thus it will leave to present the works and remaining examinations. "I suppose that they will send me the on-line notes because it depends on where arrive to the Eurocopa, that expect that it was very far", explained Lamine.

In this regard, it added: "If we arrive to the final, no longer will be able to go to class. I expect that my professors go with the Selection, are happy and approve me", said between laughs. For the canterano culé, the beginning of the tournament was auspicious, completing a good party in front of Croatia with an assistance and a shot to door that almost finish in goal. After the Euro, the juvenile will have two or three weeks on holiday before reporting to the pre-season of the Barça.

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