alex baena villarreal


Álex Baena once again lets himself be loved by FC Barcelona

Published:20/06/2024 - 01:20h

Updated:20/06/2024 - 01:56h

Álex Baena does not miss the opportunity to show his desire to play for FC Barcelona. In a talk with 'RAC 1', the Villarreal midfielder gave another 'wink' to the Barça team when talking about his style of play

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona follows having in Álex Baena to one of the interesting options to reinforce his centre of the field in the market estival. The player of the Villarreal added 5 goals and 18 assistances in 45 parties with the 'yellow Submarine', a performance that cost him a place in the announcement of Luis de la Fuente. In the previous of the Spain-Italy of this Thursday, the mediocentro went back to leave fall his wish to dress the Barcelona T-shirt in a talk with 'RAC 1'.

"It likes me the style of game of the Barça, the possession, the balloon, always are attacking and think that benefits me", affirmed the mediocentro of 22 years. The one of Roquetas of Sea did not have minutes with Spain in the debut in the Eurocopa in front of Croatia, but wait be leading with The Red in the tournament. On his mates in the Selection, the player of the Villarreal did not doubt in adding to the praises to Lamine Yamal.

"With 16 years I was home seeing the Eurocopa with my family. It is a boy súper humble, that always is jokingly, inside the field will be a world-wide star of here to little", explained a Baena the one who, further of his 'winks' to the Barça, ensures that the 'yellow Submarine' is "the club of his life". Still like this, the international Spanish does not close the door to a traspaso this summer.

The Barça only would go to by Álex Baena if it closes an important sale

In this sense, the player of 22 years affirmed to feel proud for sounding as possible reinforcement of the Barça and other teams. "That they want you big clubs, would be an opportunity", commented. Baena Has agreement with the Villarreal until June of 2028 and a clause of rescission of 60 million euros. Although it treats of a mount very high for the finances culés, Deco had a first approach with his agent in May for sondear the options of ficharle.

It does some months, the mediocentro had 'wetted' on his wish to play in Barcelona affirming that "play in the Barça is one of his greater dreams because it is the best team of the world". This week, the one of Roquetas of Sea also had left another 'wink' to the Barcelona group when signalling to Leo Messi and Andrés Iniesta like his two bigger idols. Still like this, his arrival to Catalonia this summer luce quite far by the moments.

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