Ansu Fati partido7


Ansu Fati maintains his position! The striker continues to block his departure from FC Barcelona

Published:19/06/2024 - 19:39h

Updated:20/06/2024 - 00:27h

The Barça still has not been able to advance in his 'operation gone out'. But this task seems to complicate each day more, especially with an Ansu Fati that follows leaving clear that this summer will not go back to change of airs

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Ansu Fati Will be one of the players that will present in the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper during the second week of July to begin the pre-season with the FC Barcelona. The forward will do it after his cession in the Brighton, where could not 'despuntar' neither fulfil with the expectations that had Roberto of Zerbi with his incorporation, going back to have a marked course by the irregularity and the injuries.

But to the margin of this last, Ansu will have to 'confront' to the sportive planning of the Barcelona club, one that could not to have him like a priority for the role of left extreme of face to the following season. Ansu Has agreement until 2027 and a current value of market of 'alone' 25 million euros, by what his return to the City Condal is a clear possibility, but the reality is another.

The Barça follows finding with a firm posture of Ansu

However, Ansu already has expressed his wish to do the pre-season with the team and convince to Flick that it is a valid option for the Barcelona attack, tounque in principle seemed that would have few opportunities to play, or at least to be headline. But still with this stage, 'Sportive World' has gone back to signal this week that the posture of the canterano of the Barça is clear: it does not want to move.

In this line argumental and without knowing which sucederá in the pre-season, everything indicates that the one of Bissau would be a third or fourth option in the left extreme if we take into account that Joao Félix would return, Ferran Torres could follow and the Barcelona group wait fichar to a headline for this role. In this case yes that it would be necessary to consider if Ansu Fati would accept this situation, since the past season left the club precisely to have more minutes of game and treat of reencontrarse with his football.

The Barça has to take a decision with his '10'

But already without the door of the open Brighton, by the no continuity of Roberto of Zerbi and his few minutes, in the Barça would have to work in convincing to Ansu to look for another destination if finally Hansi Flick decided not having he. In the entity barcelonista seems that they neither trust Ansu, but with the arrival of the German exists some margin in which the míster could do change of decision to the club, at least during the month of July, waiting for what can suceder in August in a new market of summer that is used to to be impredecible.

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