A 'great' from Serie A asks about the situation of Vitor Roque

Published:22/06/2024 - 08:55h

Updated:22/06/2024 - 08:55h

Vitor Roque's continuity at Barça is not yet fully defined. Fiorentina would like to 'fish' in 'troubled waters' and would have already asked about the conditions of the possible signing of the Brazilian

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The continuity of Vitor Roque in the FC Barcelona keeps on being an interrogante. The end of the season 2023/24 was extremely complicated for the forward, whose opportunities in the first team saw drastically diminished since Xavi Hernández did not have the player in his plans. It is situation derived in the intention to abandon the club of the player, a 'escollo' that still does not find solution.

The arrival of Hansi Flick seems to give him a 'second breath' to the Brazilian, that always has had the wish to triumph dressing the Barcelona T-shirt. The German trainer would have 'Tigrinho' in his plans and is by the work to evaluate his performance during the pre-season, with the end to determine if it is the ideal substitute for Robert Lewandowski in his new project.

In spite of this, the stay of Roque in the City Condal is conditioned to the 'fair play' financial. In the club expect to go back to the rule 1/1, which would allow to inscribe to the footballer without any problem. Nevertheless, the priority of the Barcelona, to day of today, is to concretise the register of the agreements of Gavi and Alejandro Balde, whose registration has not processed from his renewal and in Can Barça has turned into a subject of urgency resolve this problem, leaving to a side the situation of the ariete.

This context would want to be taken advantage of by other clubs of the continent, that see to Vitor Roque like an opportunity of market. Like this then , the journalist Gianluca Gave Marzio has informed that the Fiorentina is the last team in interesting by the services of the goleador. The group 'violate' want to 'fish' in 'waters revolved' and already there would be asking on the conditions of the signing of the footballer, that likes a lot in Artemio Franchi.

The player has poster in Italy

The 'Fiore' would not be the only Italian picture that would be after the track of Roque. Diverse informations ensure that the Juventus and the Naples also would be studying the posiblidad to incorporate him to his rows. However, the priority of the Barça would go through to yield him to a team of LaLiga EA Sports, by what will remain for seeing as they manage the events in the weeks to come.

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