Mikel Merino con España


'Danger' for FC Barcelona: Atlético 'bursts in' with force in the 'bid' for Merino

Published:19/06/2024 - 13:40h

Updated:20/06/2024 - 00:44h

The possible signing of Mikel Merino for Barça could become complicated. Atlético de Madrid would be very interested in the midfielder and would be a tough rival for the culés in the 'race' for the player

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona follows 'combing' the market in research of a footballer that do charge of the axis of the midfield and him of a jump of quality to the position. The 'casting' of names is long and are varied the candidates to reinforce the staff of Hansi Flick, being Mikel Merino one of the last in starring the rumours on a possible arrival to the City Condal.

The enlargement of the agreement of the international with the Spanish selection with the Real Sociedad seems increasingly a 'utopia', since the last offer of renewal that formulated him from San Sebastián does already several months remains unanswered by part of the player. This situation no only would want to be taken advantage of by the Barça, to the one who has presented him a new 'competitor' from Madrid.

And it is that the Athletic also would be after the track of the navarro of 27 years, that is an old wish of the 'Cholo' Simeone. The footballer has been in the diary of the colchoneros from 2020 and this summer would intensify his interest. However, 'Sportive World' ensures that the surroundings of the player sustains that the only offer that handle is the one of the extension of his bond with the Real, where doubt that the Cívitas Metropolitan can be a destination for Mikel.

In spite of all this, the main obstacle for the club txuri-urdin to the hour to close his renewal is the index card of the midfield player. The clubs that pretend to the of Iruñea, although they still have not presented any concrete proposal, would be had to the bend him the wage to Merino, the one who would perceive a figure that round the three million net euros by season. The Real is had to do an effort, but by no means will break his parameters salariales and will create a financial disequilibrium that prejudice his economy, by what are opened to a possible sale of the footballer.

Calm before the 'storm'

For now, in Anoeta there is a calm 'taut' in the environment, where pose like decisive the two back weeks to the Eurocopa. In this term of time, pretends have clear-cut, in principle, the vertebral column of the team and define the arrivals and exits more determinants. The plan is to require the future of these players that are contesting the continental tournament before his date of turn to to the discipline of the first team, around finals of July.


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