Mamadou Mbacke with Barça


FC Barcelona is already negotiating with Los Angeles the signing of Mbacke

Published:30/06/2024 - 17:24h

Updated:1/07/2024 - 03:26h

FC Barcelona could be prolonging Mamadou Mbacke's stay at the club, as it would be in negotiations with Los Angeles, the team that owns his record. These negotiations would be progressing favorably, since both parties would be in good harmony to reach an agreement

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona seems to have clear his intentions regarding Mamadou Mbacke, Senegalese defender that stood out this campaign 2023/24 with the Barça Atlètic, having contested 22 commitments (1.758 minutes). Nevertheless, had an end of season complicated due to the fact that it suffered a complete break of the internal lateral ligament of the left ankle and had to subject to a surgery, what carried it to lose the last nine duels of the picture culé and not being able to sack in the field defending the elastic of the filial of Rafa Márquez.

In a principle, seemed that the Barcelona cast would not have he for the next season, since there was not greater informations on if the club would exert the clause of purchase, that was around the four million euros, to ensure definitively the services of the Senegalese. Therefore, Mbacke had to return to Los Angeles FC from 1 July. In fact, the defender assumed this and sacked of moving way of the culés through his social networks.

The FC Barcelona already works in concretising the continuity of Mbacke

Nevertheless, they begin to arise indications that the adventure of Mbacke in the team of the City Condal could have not finished. Even, as it informs 'SPORT', the negotiations for his traspaso definite to the Catalan club go by good way, since the FC Barcelona has attained to reduce significantly the clause of initial purchase, that considered too high, to the half. East mount adjusts more to the current economic situation of the Barcelonan cast.

The FC Barcelona seems to be convinced that it will attain to carry to good port the traspaso of Mamadou Mbacke, so much is so, recently, when revealing the list of drops of the Barça Atlètic for the next season, in which they stand out the names of the 'Pichichi' Pau Víctor, Moha Moukhliss, Marc Vidal, Naím García, Jaume Cuéllar, Pelayo Fernández and Iker Goujón, does not mention to the Senegalese like a drop. This indicates that the negotiations that still are in course go by good way, although the operation still have not closed officially.

If the Barça Atlètic finally attains to do with the services of Mbacke, would be an important reinforcement for the new cycle of Rafa Márquez like trainer. His incorporation would strengthen a position in which they could lose to Mika Faye, the 'leader' of the saga, because of the rumours that link it with the Port wine. In front of this, the defensive line culé would need of a new leader that accompany to other names that do life in the filial like Sergi Domínguez and Alexis Olmedo.

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