Bruno Guimaraes en el duelo entre el Newcastle y el Tottenham en la Premier League


FC Barcelona has not thrown in the 'towel' with Bruno Guimarães to reinforce its midfielder

Published:18/06/2024 - 14:28h

Updated:18/06/2024 - 14:29h

FC Barcelona does not seem to have ruled out the option of signing Bruno Guimarães from Newcastle. Although financially it is a complicated signing for the culé club, he is still attractive from a sporting point of view, especially for Deco

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona will confront to a market veraniego quite moved in relation with a specific subject: the incorporation of a mediocentro. This addition has been cataloged like prioritaria in the picture culé, and although there are several names that surface with some favouritism, still is not clear to 100% which bet will make . This also sees conditioned by the momentary impossibility of the combined Catalan to do movements because of problems with the 'fair play' financial and the rule 1/1.

In addition to Joshua Kimmich of the Bayern Munich and Amadou Onana of the Everton, another of the names that seems to keep in consideration to be the mediocentro of the Barcelona cast is the Brazilian Bruno Guimarãis, that at present plays in the Newcastle. As it informed in 'SPORT', the native of Rio de Janeiro has positioned like the option predilecta of Deco to reinforce the area of pivote of the Catalan group, and also has the approval of Hansi Flick, the one who considers it a footballer of hierarchy.

The signing of Guimarãis, economically complex to assume for the FC Barcelona

However, it is necessary to remember that the incorporation of the international Brazilian, the one who at present appears in the list of 26 summoned of Dorival Júnior in the 'Canarinha' for the Glass America 2024, does not seem to be a simple task. Although the 'carioca' seem to be one of the main and more attractive candidates to abandon the St. James' Park because of the problems that confront the 'Urracas' in relation with the 'fair play' financial in the Premier League, his traspaso will not be precisely affordable in terms of price.

Although it has commented that exists a formula that 'approach' to the exjugador of the Lyon to the FC Barcelona, which 'would force' to the Newcastle to leave go to the mediocentro by a mount between 65 and 70 million euros, east keeps on being a price complicated to assume economically for the Barcelona club. Nevertheless, it would be one 'bargain' if it considers the fact that, as diverse means, the 'Magpies' have established a clause of valid rescission until 30 June, by a total of 115 M€.

The 'carioca' also interests to the Manchester City and PSG

Likewise, it suits to take into account that Bruno Guimarãis also seems to wake up the interest of clubs like the Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain, squares of elite with big sportive projects appeals and that compete by his incorporation in the middle of the uncertainty on his permanence in the English club, where has a contractual bond that extends until 2029. Therefore, the groups interested have to be to the expectation of what can suceder with his future in this market of summer of 2024, which promises to be full of movements of players after the dispute of the Glass America and the Eurocopa.

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