joao cancelo final


Manchester City's firm decision with Joao Cancelo benefits FC Barcelona

Published:20/06/2024 - 10:26h

Updated:20/06/2024 - 10:26h

Joao Cancelo remains a main target for Barça for next summer. The side is liked by Hansi Flick, and the culés also hope to take advantage of Manchester City's somewhat impatient stance with the Portuguese

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joao Cancel has ensured again that it wanted to continue in the FC Barcelona. The side spoke this week and left clear that "likes me a lot be in the Barça, am very comfortable", signalled. In this same line, the Barcelona team works in his idea to renew the cession of the carrilero, knowing that for now it seems to be the option more 'simple' to tackle the operation in front of the little economic margin that exists in the entity.

For now the Manchester City, club with which Cancel has agreement until 2027, has kept an open posture, although firm, with regard to the operation. For now the only discrepancy with the English seems to be the possible option of compulsory purchase that the City will want to impose him to the Barça for June of 2025. Already Pep Guardiola signalled that we will seat us sure the two clubs and will decide the best for both and the player", highlighted from the tournament of golf of his foundation, the Trophy Legends.

The Barça has the little patience of the City with Cancel

But it is that besides 'Sport' has aimed that in the Etihad have clear that Cancel does not have place in the staff of Pep and the idea of the British team is to give off definitively of the player in this market of signings. Thus, in the Etihad think to insist in a sale and think that can ingresar by the Portuguese some 25 million euros, a figure that the Barça looks for to recess until the 15 or 18 'kilos'.

This idea of the Barça to be able to close the operation to the drop fits very well with the one of the City of not having to see to the defence in the pre-season. It is thus that although the definite decision does not expect that it was fast, the English neither want to leave everything for the end of market, as sucedió the previous course, leaving like this a much wider margin for the culés in his idea to close the operation with some economic profit for them.

Jorge Mendes has to convince to the City to be flexible

To attain the agreement between all the parts will be important also the work of Jorge Mendes, representative of the Portuguese footballer. The solution could be the one to lengthen a year the cession, something that of start do not contemplate in the Etihad, but an option of compulsory purchase could finish being key so that it closes the stage of Cancel in the Manchester City.

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