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Mika Faye, Pau Víctor... The cases that has to attend Deco in the filial of the Barça this summer

Published:24/06/2024 - 17:43h

Updated:25/06/2024 - 03:57h

The Barça Atlètic has several pending appearances to concretise of face to the season 2024/25. Therefore, in this market of summer will have to take a series of decisions that, at first sight, seem to vary between some relatively simple and other very complicated

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Officially, the season 2023/24 of the Barça Atlètic has come to an end. Unfortunately, for the ones of Rafa Márquez, the course has not culminated of the way more idílica possible, since they have remained to at all to rise to LaLiga Hypermotion after the defeat in front of the Córdoba (2-1) in The Archangel. This reverse has cut any option of the picture culé to return to the category of silver of the Spanish football, in which it has not been present from the campaign 2017/18.

Surpassed the bitter drink of the defeat, the combined Barcelona has to occupy of several subjects related with the future of several players of the filial for this summer. In front of this, Deco, José Ramón Alexanco, Paulo Araujo and company will gather in the next days to start with to tackle the different 'folders' open, some more complex that others, but that require a prompt resolution.

The Barça Atlètic already renewed to several of his 'jewels'

In this sense, the FC Barcelona already has attended several pending situations, like the case of the right side Héctor Fort, the one who is an usual in the dynamics of the first team and whose contractual renewal until 2029 already has been oficializada. Likewise, Marc Casadó, mediocentro and captain of the filial, the one who expects that have an opportunity in the maximum category under the orders of Hansi Flick, and recently extended his bond with the institution until 2028.

Behind them, perhaps the most stood out renewals in this sense are the ones of Marc Bernal (2029), another mediocentro very conceptuado in The Masia, the one who, to his 17 years, apparently will make the pre-season with the first team. Added to this, already sealed other contractual prolongations like the ones of Sergi Domínguez (2027) and the right side Joan Anaya (2027). Nevertheless, behind the protection of these players, still exist a series of cases that pose a series of incógnitas in the combined Catalan.

To his time, the club culé also has to consider the renewal of Unai Hernández, one of the big protagonists of the stood out season of the Barça Atlètic. It is one of the big promises of the filial and his agreement with the team expires in 2025, which is looking for renew. The team and the surroundings of the player have begun to board conversations and the tuning is positive. Even, they exist a lot of options that it do the pre-season with the first team and later take a decision.

The cases of Pau Víctor, Moha, Marc Vidal and Mbacke

In this point, does not be necessary to neglect the case of the 'Pichichi' of the season, Pau Víctor. It arrived to the club culé in the last market of incorporation like yielded pertinent of the Girona. The combined Barcelona did not exert the option of purchase of 3 M€, by what now will have to seat to negotiate with the cast gerundense to avoid lose it. In fact, it has mentioned the option of a transaction that would involve to Oriol Romeu. It will be necessary to see if the Barcelonan square attains to agree a suitable price to purchase in property to a player with big projection for the first team.

Likewise, the Barça Atlètic also has to consider if it wishes to extend the stay of Moha Moukhliss, mediocentro, and Marc Vidal, guardameta, those who were key pieces in the diagram of Rafa Márquez in this season, but that they have to return to his club of origin, the Andorra, from this 1 July. Under this premise, also will have to value if both players wish to continue in the picture blaugrana, taking into account that the team will contest another season in the First RFEF and seem to be that these talents have the sufficient quality to give the jump to an upper category.

On the other hand, the combined Barcelonan has to consider if it wishes to extend the stay of Mamadou Mbacke in his staff of face to the next course. The central Senegalese, unfortunately, could not contest the final stretch of the season because of a sprain of the left ankle. Now, from this 1 July will have to return to the proprietary group of his index card, Los Angeles FC. Taking into account that the FC Barcelona has lost the option to purchase to Jorthy Mokio to reinforce his saga, and that the one of Rufisque has showed to be an active reliable, no descarta that the club try to negotiate a discount in the option of purchase and was had to pay around 3-4 millions by him.

The incógnita on the future of Mika Faye

To level of exits, the case that perhaps calls much more the attention is the one of Mika Faye, the imponente Senegalese defender that had a season stood out with the Barça Atlètic. This has generated numerous rumours on his possible sale this summer, which could concretise around the 15 M€ because of the interest of combined like the Port wine, that is 'bidding' seriously by him.

It is necessary to take into account that the future of the native of Sédhiou commented that it also could be subject of the permanence of the Barcelona cast in the First RFEF, since the defender seems to be very positioned to give the jump to an upper category. To the not rising with the filial, can not descartar the option that it offer him the occasion to have a square in the first team. However, if this does not occur, is quite likely that consider his sale. In principle, it will participate in the pre-season under the orders of Hansi Flick and from here will take decisions with regard to his future.

Marc Guiu, increasingly near of Chelsea

To close, perhaps the most stood out case regarding exits is the possible game of Marc Guiu. Although it seemed sure that would renew, since his agreement expires in 2025, the apparition of Chelsea and his disposal to pay his low clause of six million euros has complicated the situation to a large extent. According to Fabrizio Romano, the conversations with the club londinense seem to be quite advanced, and have offered him a specific project for his development in the team. It will be necessary to expect to see how develops this situation.

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