Pablo Torre Eric García y Abel Ruiz


The 'Barça formula', one of the keys to Girona's recent successes

Published:28/06/2024 - 17:35h

Updated:28/06/2024 - 17:35h

Girona has closed the signing of Abel Ruíz for its forward. In this way, the list of Barça players who have passed through Montilivi in ​​recent years increases to 12 footballers

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Girona has attained the incorporation of Abel Ruiz like reinforcement for the attack of the group of Michel. The goleador of 24 years is a footballer of big present but with a lot of future, by what the albirrojos signed him until 2029. The ariete would have an important role in the team, especially by the possible exit of Dovbyk, that has all the ballots to leave traspasado this summer in a sale by a record figure.

Thus, the 'gironins' looked for to do with the services of the now ex player of the Knickers, whose contracting would have like a key factor his go through the quarry of the FC Barcelona. This element no only guarantees some level regarding performance, but the diagram of the trainer adapts perfectly to these footballers that formed in the Masia.

And it is that Abel Ruiz is not the only culé that has been signed by Quique Prison, sportive director of the Girona. The past season, Eric García and Pablo Tower formed part of the staff that achieved the classification to the Champions League. The second had a step 'fleeting' by the Barcelona entity, but the central is a defender formed under the diagram barcelonista. The performance of both has fulfilled with the expectations of the club, where expect to retain them, at least, a season more.

However, these two footballers are preceded by a long list of ex blaugranas, some leaving a good rédito so much in the sportive as in the economic. The first of them, Santi Well, that turned into the most expensive sale of the history of the club. Later, Oriol Romeu consecrated like the owner of the midfield and his excellent season to the orders of Míchel finished ending in his return to the Camp Nou.

Bridge Montilivi-Camp Nou

The others footballers that have dressed both T-shirts in the last years are Gumbau (that it was canterano of the first Girona but happened to the Barça afterwards), Monchu, Orrtolá, Pablo Moreno, Víctor Sánchez, Jose Aurelio Suárez, Ignasi Miquel and Jonathan Soriano.

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