Ángel Torres, in an image of archive


Getafe is offered as an 'escape route' for some FC Barcelona players

Published:21/06/2024 - 17:17h

Updated:21/06/2024 - 17:17h

Ángel Torres, president of Getafe, spoke about his team's market plans. The manager confessed that there is interest in a Barça player and that he will seek to reach an agreement with the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the offices of the FC Barcelona work incesantemente in the 'operation gone out' of face to the next season. The Barcelona entity needs to give off of several footballers to balance his have with regard to the mass salaria and the 'fair play' financial, by what several players prepare to abandon the City Condal in this window estival.

In this sense, the Catalan institution has found a new 'allied' in his plan. And it is that the president of the Getafe, Ángel Torres, has offered to the club azulón like destination for some of the members of the staff culé that do not go in in the plans of Hansi Flick. Like this it confirmed it this Friday in the act of presentation of the T-shirts of the 'Geta' for the course 24/25, where besides pronounced on the difficult situation that will confront the clubs in this market of signings.

"If all goes well need 10 players. It is necessary to do the team. We have to reinforce the team quite and do a new project. We go to expect that it finish the Eurocopa and afterwards will come the hastes, but the teams go to form from August. It goes to be a very difficult year in all the European Leagues. It is the crisis of the Premier, the problem of France of not selling the rights of television, in Italy are distracted... We go to hit a bajón all", began saying the president.

Of equal form, Torres revealed that they expect to have Greenwood, that already was in the diary of the Barça, during the next year. "We have 15 in staff more Greenwood, of the that expect to give good prompt news and that remain another year more. As it says the press there are a lot of offers and will observe what say the Manchester. Has paints that it goes to be followed another year. Each day that happens there are more possibilities but it is necessary to be careful", manifested.

Torres wants to 'fish' in the 'big' of Spain

Finally, the president of the Getafe confirmed his interest in some players of the FC Barcelona, ensuring that it expects to arrive to an agreement with Laporta for the incorporation of some footballer culé. "We go to see if we fish something. With the Real Madrid there is very good relation and something goes to come. I think that in 15 days can have some surprise. It is necessary to see it with the trainer and the sportive direction. Of Athletic and Barcelona any will fall. My fellow Laporta that do a crowbar and leave me one. We are interested in any of which they have and to see if they can help us", concluded.

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