

The key to the possible continuity of Pau Víctor at FC Barcelona

Published:28/06/2024 - 14:12h

Updated:28/06/2024 - 14:12h

Barça is already negotiating with Girona the continuity of Pau Víctor. Rafa Márquez is the forward's great supporter at the club, which is why he has been key for the culés to try to sign the player

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona already negotiates with the Girona the continuity of Pau Víctor in the club, and a lot would have had to see Rafa Márquez in this. From the first moment, the forward has been paramount in the project of the Mexican in the filial. The relation between both has tightened along the season, with the footballer absorbing the councils and tools offered by the trainer to carry his game to another level.

By this reason, Márquez suggested to the Barcelona entity the execution of his option of purchase, which was priced in 3 million euros, as 'SPORT'. However, the deadline happened and from the City Condal did not make any movement, but his continuity is not descartada neither much less. In spite of fulfilling the term, names like Oriol Romeu, Eric García or Pablo Tower could be 'crowbars' in the operation, since they are players of interest in Montilivi.

In the meantime, Rafa Márquez keeps firm in his position, insisting him to the club that do not leave to escape to Pau Víctor. In Can Barça has gone calando the message of the trainer and would keep negotiations with the 'gironins', although the conditions of the signing no longer are so simple as it could have it been the activation of his clásula of purchase.

The bet of Márquez does not happen only by the paper that would play the goleador in the Barça Atlètic. Although, logically, the Mexican wants to follow having the ariete in his team, the suggestions of the Mexican also would have to see with his future in the first team, since it sees in the player of 22 years the necessary capacities to give the jump to the staff of Flick. Even, his arrival could serve to take out an economic benefit, although it is not what would prefer the trainer of the filial, that is convinced that Víctor revalorizará to every year that pass.

It has quintuplicado his value

And it is that the 20 goals in 39 parties of the forward turned him into the pichichi of the Barça Atlètic and of all the First RFEF, by what his value of market has 'shot'. As 'Transfermarkt', the one of Sant Cugat is priced at present in 1.5 million euros, five times more than the 300.000 euros in which it was valuado in his arrival to the pertinent club of the Girona.

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