Paco Alcácer, during a match with the Borussia Dortmund


Alcácer doesn't want to see Messi against Dortmund in Champions

Published:4/09/2019 - 11:08h

Updated:4/09/2019 - 11:08h

The ex player of FC Barcelona, Paco Alcácer, has kidded in an interview on the double clash that will contest against Barça in Champions League. He knows that Messi will put him very difficult

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Borussia Dortmund will be one of the rivals of the FC Barcelona in the phase of groups of the Champions League, and Paco Alcácer has conceded an interview to 'MD' in which it has spoken on the double clash in front of his ex team, where did not achieve to triumph after two seasons without hardly incidence on the terrains of game. Alcácer, in spite of everything, has good memories of the Barça and wishes him the best except when it confront to the Dortmund.

It does not take the double duel with spirits of revancha, but rather in sportive terms. "The feeling that have is to see again to the mates, to the friends that left there. It is a special party because go back to play against an ex team is to have joy, illusion and win to play a good party". Although it did not go out like him it wanted to, no arrepiente of his stage in the Barça. "At the end, in the life take decisions and no me arrepiento ofany , but is truth that learn so much if you play as if no. Always I try to remember the positive things that have helped me to be what am and the negative leave it backwards".

It does not know if it would celebrate a goal against the FC Barcelona. "It would not know what do, because at the end it is a joy tremenda. There are a lot of people that has carried very well with me, a lot of people that says things that do not like you, but at the end, the respect always has to be by in front", says the Valencian, convinced that the Barça will give the turn to the adverse situation that lives in LaLiga Santander 2019-20. "It has not gone out like all wanted to, but have players of quality to give him the turn to the situation and sure that they will do it".

"It is clear that Messi gives him a plus to the team that no gives it to him another player, that expect some days more..."

Alcácer Has good relation with Neymar Jr, but can not say at all with regard to his fallido signing by the FC Barcelona because desconoce the secrets of the subject. "I can not go in here, we are players and all, except any that has had a lot of luck and has been a lot of years in a club, have been traspasados. The only that I can say of Neymar is that a grandísimo player. I coexisted with him a year and like person with me carried very well. Have very good relation with him and wish him the best", has signalled.

Finally, it kids on the possibility that Leo Messi was absent in front of the Dortmund in the Signal Iduna Park, something to day of today unthinkable. "It influences for us, for Valencia the previous weekend and for the following party of the weekend. It is clear that Read gives him a plus to the team that no gives it to him another player, and that expect some days more".

And, after Rafinha Alcántara there is not recalado finally in Valencia, ensures that it treats of an excellent footballer. "I am not owner neither sportive director of the club. It is a grandísimo player, has not showed it now neither does a month, showed it does long. It sees that has things very good that do not have other footballers, but am not a sportive director as to decide".

Paco Alcácer, with win to show

Paco Alcácer has turned into one of the leading reference of the international panorama, with a big past campaign in which it was one of the maxima goleadores of the big European leagues. Now, it faces a new loaded campaign of illusion, and with the hope to do important things in the Champions League. The FC Barcelona no will put it to him at all easy.