The players of Manchester City celebrate a goal against Real Madrid


Coronavirus complicates more than City free from its sanction in Champions

Published:14/03/2020 - 22:11h

Updated:14/03/2020 - 22:11h

Manchester City were punished by UEFA for not playing the next two editions of the Champions League. The English then appealed to the TAS, but the coronavirus is delaying the decision.

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The Manchester City was sanctioned does a month by the UEFA by irregularities and punished him with two years without playing the Champions League. This news supposed a very hard reverse for the 'cityzens', that went to keep very move# away of the panorama futbolístico of elite during too much time. In fact, even especuló with that varied of his best players could leave the club by fault of this sanction.

Ferran Soriano, executive director of the English group, decided to appeal in front of the Court of Arbitration and presented a resource to invalidate this very hard punishment. "We expect that the resolution produce before the beginning of the summer", commented the Catalan when it presented the pertinent allegations. But the coronavirus​ has caused that the reality can be very distinct and that the resolution do not arrive so prompt .

The football has stopped completely and with him also the society of a lot of parts of Europe. This so contagious illness is doing that extremen the cautions and in Spain and Italy even has forbidden go out to the street unless it was for a question of health, work or basic need. It seems that the TAS also is having problems in this sense and goes to take more than the expected in taking a decision on the City.

As it signals the English newspaper 'The Guardian', this organism is right now entirely focused in the derivative crisis by the COVID-19 and all the other has remained in a second flat. Obviously, the resource of the 'cityzens' forms part of this group of things that can expect. In total, seems that the TAS already has postponed until three seen of the 16 that has in his diary until 18 May.

"We are monitoring the situation closely and adapting us continuously to the cambiantes circumstances. The face-to-face sights follow taking place, whenever the participants agree with this. When the involved find in a zone of risk, are offering the possibility to do it by telephone or videollamada, as well as postpone it for a back date", explained to Reuters Matthieu Reeb, Secretary General of the TAS.

The time plays against of the City

"For now, we have not suffered an impact significante in our operations, but keep us watchdogs", added. The true is that the time plays against of the City, since what more near was the next campaign fewer possibilities goes to have to that his appeal go out advance and the punishment recess or disappear. If the League of Champions restarts , Pep Guardiola and his will have to take advantage of this opportunity or could not having another until 2023.

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