Of Jong in an action of game against the Dortmund


De Jong, Lenglet and Ter Stegen remain untouchable at Barça in the Champions League

Published:28/11/2019 - 00:07h

Updated:28/11/2019 - 00:07h

De Jong, Ter Stegen and Lenglet are, after the match against Dortmund, the only Barça players who have played every minute in this edition of the Champions League. Semedo and Piqué were also on the list until this clash

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona closed against the Borussia Dortmund the pass to the eighth of final like leader of group with a comfortable 3-1. The culés completed his best meeting in what it goes of Champions League and won by 3-1, with an incredible performance of Messi, that gave two assistances and marked a goal

The '10' was the big protagonist of the crash, but all the Barcelona completed a solid meeting and contributed to the triumph. Three of the 14 barcelonistas that played against the Dortmund were Marc André ter Stegen, Frenkie of Jong and Clément Lenglet. This trio converted against the group germano in the only footballers of the Barça in having contested all and each one of the minutes of the present edition of the League of Champions.

Until this Wednesday, in addition to the Dutch, the French and the German, Nélson Semedo and Gerard Hammered also had played it everything in Europe. Unfortunately for both, any has been able to be against the Borussia. In the case of the luso, has not arrived to the crash for being lesionado, whereas the Catalan was sanctioned and therefore it has played Umtiti.

It is especially remarkable that a midfield player as Of Jong have played it everything in Champions, carrying already three months and half of competition. The Dutch has contested the 450 minutes that has played the Barcelona in League of Champions and, still like this, apparently follows to 100%. Against the Borussia was not brilliant, but yes did a remarkable party.

The one who himself went back to exhibit a level superlative was Ter Stegen, that saved to the Barça in key moments with two spectacular stops. When better were the Germans, the archer took part to avoid the 2-1 of Brandt. In the straight final, the put went back to do another paradón and did not allow that Sancho marked his second goal, with which had tightened the marker until the 3-2. A perfect crash to follow with the series in Champions.

Lenglet Did not have too work

Finally, Lenglet was remarkable, although it did not have too work in defence. In the first part, the germanos hardly upset the area of the Barça and the French was very calm. Without Alcácer, Reus played in tip and did not give any problem. In the second part, the Dortmund approached more, but the ex sevillista was expeditivo and formed a good tándme with Umtiti. After resting in League by annoyances, went back to Europe to follow playing it everything.

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