The Champions League trophy in an act of the UEFA


Format and details of the Champions League that will start in 2024

Published:18/09/2023 - 17:46h

Updated:18/09/2023 - 17:47h

The UEFA has decided 'revolutionise' his maximum competition of clubs and for the following season already has defined the corresponding details for the new format of the Champions

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This season will be the last in which they play 32 teams divided eight groups of four clubs in the Champions League. With the current format classify to the following phase the two better of each group and the third falling to the Europe League. Like this simple was to explain the current disposal of the tournament, although inside a year the things go to be very different.

To start with they will compete 36 clubs in the competition, seeing increased in four the current number. One of the new squares will go to fall in hands of Tie it 1, whereas another will go to stop to the champion suspender belt of the country with better coefficient UEFA that do not have direct square. Besides, the maximum body of the European football has detailed that the others two will award to the best coefficient of clubs of the UEFA.

The Barça will have a much longer way from the 2024

With this decision remains clear that the coefficients UEFA because it goes to be important for everything in the new Champions, by what is worthwhile to mention that this valuation to eyes of the maximum competition of the European football takes out in function of the results in the European competition of the clubs participants in the last five years. Once established the coefficients will do four blocks of nine orderly teams by said table of performance.

Like this the things, all the teams are forced to play against two teams of each block and in each case alternates play home or out of house. We imagine that the FC Barcelona would be in the block 1. To be like this to the culés would touch them play against two teams of this same block -Bayern and Manchester City for example-, other two against teams of the block 2, other two the ones of the block 3 and others with the ones of the 4.

The big variant resides in that to the Barça can touch him an only party out of house against the City -would not have split turn like raisin in the current phase of groups- and another home against the Bayern -not having to play in the Allianz- in this innovative format. The idea of the UEFA is to cause that big clubs see with more frequency that before applying a format where is important not losing neither a point by the way.

The calendar for the following season will be even more demandante

After playing a total of eight days each team does a classification in shape of league with the 36 participants and only the eight first of said classification happen to eighth of final, having besides the possibility to win the factor of the field for this round. The clubs that remain of the ninth to the vigesimocuarto in the classification will play a species of 'play-in' style NBA with an eliminatory to gone and turn against another club in a direct draw. The teams that remain in the places that go of the 25 to the 36 will remain deleted of the Champions and will not be repescados in the Europe League.

With this modification, the UEFA does that in the first phase of play a total of 144 parties by the 96 current compressing much more the calendar of the clubs and players, something that already has come reporting from some sectors. According to the organism with headquarters in Switzerland, the phase of liguilla will finish on 29 January 2025, almost two months after the current dates by this 'fatten' of the calendar.