Jürgen Klopp and Virgil go Dijk converse after a party of the Liverpool


Klopp Launches a warning to the Liverpool: Before the Barça, touches Premier

Published:22/04/2019 - 15:56h

Updated:22/04/2019 - 15:56h

The Liverpool will treat to repeat final in the Champions deleting to a FC Barcelona with anxieties of title, but also has to litigate the Premier against a Manchester City with advantage. Jürgen Klopp has warned to his that before thinking in Europe touches to give another step in league

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It remains little more than a month and half so that the season 2018-19 come to an end, and the fight by the titles is hotter that never. Leagues and glasses go finding sentences day after day, and in the old continent all look to a Champions that in brief will start his eliminatory of semifinals. To these heights of the course, no longer there is margin of error.

The one who has had to speak on a possible doublet has been Jürgen Klopp, that has warned to his pupilos that of it is necessary to centre in the obligations of the calendar and not to distract with the rest of aims. The German knows that the temptation to be slope of the European clashes is strong, but has underlined that with all what play his in the next days, would be a capital error.

In his last press conference, the German has showed cutting: "we do not have to leave us influence by other meetings. Now it is necessary to centre in the party against the Huddersfield, that will be again difficult by several reasons. Some people in Liverpool could ask us if we are thinking in the Barcelona and the semifinals, but is not like this".

"If you only are motivated to win the Saint Grial, then something is badly with you. We are motivated to play in this club, want to win football matchs because we enjoy of the trip with our followers", has recalcado, indicating that in spite of the illusion that comports the 'orejona' and the difficulty that will present the culés, a trip in front of the 'terriers' could pay very expensive.

"Know the total number of points is like the account of a restaurant. You do not know how much will cost, but when it arrives, pay it", has aimed the preparador germano, that has not wanted to do cábalas on the points that will be necessary to win this Premier. For the time being, they are the 'reds' those that command with 88 by 86 of the Manchester City, although it is necessary to explain that the 'sky blues' have a party less.

Klopp Regrets that the requirement of the calendar complicates his aims

Klopp Has complained also of the tightened of the calendar, that could wear out in excess to the Liverpool and brake him in his attempt to conquer Premier League and Champions. With regard to the visit of the next 1 May to the Camp Nou, has regretted that "it is wider that Anfield and this will force us to encourage us more and be more tired for the next meetings". All account in a moment in which the strengths go very just and the victories cost more than ever.

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