Mathieu, in his clash of Champions with the Barça


Mathieu: the return of a central that now yes would play

Published:5/12/2017 - 09:05h

Updated:5/12/2017 - 21:25h

Jérémy Mathieu will go back to step the Camp Nou, although this time will be like rival of the Barcelona. The central French went out the past summer of the Barcelona team by the rear door. However, to be in the Barcelona staff, would be a fixed in front of the Sporting

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jérémy Mathieu was a player that was in the eye of the hurricane since fichó by the FC pertinent Barcelona of Valencia. The 20 million euros paid by him, his almost 30 years when arriving to the Camp Nou, his fame of smoker... Reasons that did that an error of the French multiplied in repercussion. The past summer, Mathieu abandoned the Barcelona team by the rear door course to the Sporting of Portugal.

The injury of Samuel Umtiti, that will be two months of drop, and the pulse of Javier Mascherano with the FC Barcelona to go out in the market of winter are being a quebradero of head for Ernesto Valverde and the Barcelona sportive direction. The past year, Mathieu hardly explained for Luis Enrique. Claro that the Asturian technician did not find in any moment with a so acute problem in the axis of the defence like the one of this campaign. 

And what are the things, this Tuesday the central Frenchman returned to the Camp Nou like rival in the Champions League in a moment in which the fault of effective in the axis of the defence had done that, in case to having been in the staff of the FC Barcelona, had had his place ensured in the eleven headline.

Change of role in the Sporting

Jérémy Mathieu has left backwards the past season, that was nefasta for him. The continuous physical problems prevented him have continuity. His errors in the party of LaLiga in front of the Málaga were the turning point that propiciaron that Luis Enrique put him the cross and that did not go back to trust the French defender.

In his new team, Mathieu has gone back to recover the necessary continuity to give a nearer performance to the of his best version. His technician, Jorge Jesús, trusted he from the beginning and bet by the central French when it still was player of the Barcelona. The Frenchman has attained to be notable, although in a less demanding league that the Spaniard.

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