Neymar Jr Lost the gone of the eighth of final of Champions League​ against the FC Barcelona by injury. It was definitely the most painful drop of the Parisians in the Camp Nou, although the French did not throw too much of less to his star in front of a very toneless Barça. The ones of Mauritius Pochettino golearon without too many difficulties to the culés by 1-4 and put a foot and half in the quarter-finals.

However, in spite of the been bulky of the result and that the traced back of the culés antoja more than complicated, expected that the '10' of the Frenchmen reappeared against the Catalans in the turn. Everything aimed to that the forward went to recover to time and went to be able to go in in the announcement, but this same Tuesday the PSG has communicated that the attacker will not arrive to time for the duel.

The group of the capital of France has informed that the star of Sao Paulo nor will be this Wednesday on the lawn of the Park of the Princes by fault of his injury. It seems that the 'crack' follow 'touched' and neither Mauritius Pochettino neither the own club want to force him, although the paulista himself wanted to risk. The international 'canarinho' will follow training of individual form the next days until leaving to feel pain.

In Paris think that with the 1-4 of the gone does not be worthwhile to force to Neymar, since they trust to happen to fourth and do not want to risk his presence from the next round. A relapse could be the worst of the news for the French and want to avoid that this suceda. Therefore, the Brazilian will have to expect some days until receiving the high medical and can go back to play with his team.

It will be necessary to see how goes out him the played to the PSG, since the Barcelona arrives in his best moment and trusts to give the machada this Wednesday. The Barcelona go to go out with all to the Park of the Princes and know that the Frenchmen have reserved to his greater star could be another additional impulse. The Catalans do not have too much pressure after the 1-4 of the gone and will take advantage of of this to try give him the turn to the eliminatory.

Moise Kean Neither will arrive to the party

On the other hand, also they are confirmed the drops of Juan Bernat and Moise Kean. The left-handed side carries several months lesionado, whereas the Italian forward will not be able to play by coronavirus. It is necessary to remember that the ex of the Everton or of the Juventus of Turín marked the 1-3 in the gone, by what without him and without Ney Pochettino will lose strength in his line of attack.