Pedri González appeared in front of the media in the previous press conference to the party between the FC Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain, that will carry out this Tuesday 16 April in the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys to the 21:00 hours. This commitment will decide which team will advance to the semifinals of the UEFA Champions League, in a series that, until the moment, is led by the combined Barcelona with a marker of 3-2, thanks to the result obtained in the clash of gone in the Park of the Princes. During his intervention, the Tenerifean spoke on his future in the club culé and his feelings to physical level of face to this important commitment.

The Canarian has taken advantage of the opportunity to resolve any type of rumour on his future, reaffirming the commitment that the cast culé has with him like one of the key players of the sportive project. "I am very calm and happy to be in the team of my dreams. The Barça goes to keep what have spoken", signalled.

His feelings for this commitment in front of the Parisian group

In another order of ideas and speaking on the clash against Paris Saint-Germain, the exjugador of the UD The Palms mentioned that it considers this commitment like one of the most important of his career. "Yes, it is the most important party that have had up to now, beside the semifinals of the Eurocopa", aimed.

On the other hand, Pedri ensured that it finds in full fitness to confront this crucial commitment, expressing his wish to play the greater quantity of possible minutes and contribute to the maximum to the team. "When you go back of injury, notes the tiredness; but I am with strength and win. Those that more minutes are, better. I prefer to play 80 and do it to 100%, when it can not more, will ask the change", limited.

In this context, the one of Tegueste also stood out in which position feels more comfortable and would prefer to exert in the terrain of game. "They are two positions in which I seat me very comfortable. In the base touch much more balloon and helps more to the team to create game; up you are more to expect in your position to define or assist. They like me the two", puntualizó.

The keys of the clash in front of Paris Saint-Germain

Pedri Was emphatic regarding how the Barça would have to face this important commitment, urging to the team to step advance necessary to give the final hit to the French. "It is necessary to be careful because the PSG does not come to give us at all, will come with everything. Already we know to his trainer and will treat to give him the turn. We have to go out to eat us to the Paris, as if we did not carry advantage in the markedr", esbozó.

Likewise, the Canarian exposed his perspective on how will develop this clash, resumiéndolo like a highly contested contention. "Very intense, will go out with everything to presionarnos up, to have the possession... We want the same. The two teams are not comfortable when they do not have it. The one who have the balloon, will do with the party", commented.

To his time, took advantage of the opportunity to leave in clear that, in his opinion, in meetings of so high level against clubs 'top', descarta any type of favouritism."To all the world likes him speak of favouritisms. They are two very equalised teams, that look for to play of an alike way. It will be a beautiful party for the viewer", mentioned.

The change in the mentality of the FC Barcelona

The '8' Barcelona also pronounced on the remarkable series of positive results that is experiencing the FC Barcelona and if the announcement of the exit of Xavi Hernández like trainer of the team at the end of the campaign has had some effect. "On the announcement of Xavi something has had to influence. Have a very long series and have improved in the goals to zero and in being conclusive backwards. This marks the difference", reviewed.

Taking advantage of that it conversed of this subject, the midfield player culé allowed explain why, in his opinion, the picture culé experienced a big 'subidón' in his sportive performance in the last weeks. "It is a mental improvement, especially. It happened us that they marked us a goal and remained us 10-15 minutes doubting. They are things that have to follow improving, are young. In Paris knew to row to contracorriente, that is the most complicated; has a lot of merit", recalcó.

The state of form of İlkay Gündoğan and Pau Cubarsí

Pedri Did not lose the opportunity to speak on the sportive actuality of İlkay Gündoğan, one of the key players in the diagram of Xavi Hernández and, in general, in the centre of the field of the cast culé. "It is a spectacular player. Since I coincided with him in the pre-season, already saw which type of player was. All the controls and passes does them well, learn a lot of him in the trainings. In the parties is helping us, carries some spectacular numbers", exposed.

To close, the Tenerifean also commented on the irruption of Pau Cubarsí in the first team, augurándole a big future in the group of the City Condal."It is a player that loves me, especially, for a mediocentro, that filter so many balloons between lines. It had not seen a central like this with 17 years, is difficult to win him a duel. It is a grandísima person and laugh me a lot with him", concluded.