The players of Bayern and Barça greet  after the 2-8


Revenge? The FC Barcelona wants to revancha with the Bayern Munich

Published:27/08/2021 - 00:23h

Updated:27/08/2021 - 08:03h

The FC Barcelona and Bayern Munich have remained matched in the group And of the Champions League, with spirits of revancha of the Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To any fan of the FC Barcelona goes him to forget the night of 14 August of the 2020, when in Lisbon the Barcelona fell defeated, by goleada, against the Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League. A year and shortly after, the blaugrana go back to find with the team with which lived the biggest humiliation of his history in Europe and that left a bad flavour of mouth for all the barcelonismo.

This defeat remained in the memory of all in the FC Barcelona and caused, of some way, an effect dominated in all the club (from the burofax of Leo Messi...), but that no suposo the turning point that all expected, neither much less a revolution. Nevertheless, the club has given big changes since and, although it is missing a lot of (possibly) to find the best version of the Barça, there is more optimism.

Although it is true that the plans of the Barcelona group have changed with the exit of Leo Messi, by the economic problems of the club, is seated the base so that the Barça go back to litigate by all the titles and the Champions League, as all the years, is the main and big aim of the blaugrana, by what the two crashes in the phase of groups in front of the Bayern Munich are, as little, the more keys for the culés.

They will confront to a group 'Bavarian' that also is under construction, after the arrival of Julian Nagelsmann to the benches, but that it is a team to the that him leftover the goal and the talent to concern to his rivals. The Bayern is a historical enemy of the Barça and the 2-8 of the past year is a reason so that the culés look for, through thick and thin, revertir the bad feelings and achieve a revancha historical in the Champions League.

Koeman, in the focus

In this season the big challenge of the Barça of Koeman is to win to the big teams, something that did not achieve in the past season, in the first year of the Dutch... In Champions, the culés saldaron with victory the party of gone in front of the Juventus by 0-2, but in the party in which they played the leadership of the group, fell estrepitósamente by a 0-3 in the Camp Nou, with doublet of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Afterwards, lbequeathed the catastrophe with the PSG, that won to the Barça in the feudo Barcelona by 4-1 and afterwards 'closed' in Paris, remaining with a 1-1. In the League the history was a lot of worse. The Barça fell in all the important nights: the two Classical with the Real Madrid (1-3 and 3-2), in front of the Athletic of Madrid (defeat and tie), in addition to the key nights in front of the Granada, Raise...

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