In the FC Barcelona are of party by the achievement of the ticket to the eighth of final of the Champions League. It was a stage that did not know from does two seasons, precisely since Lionel Messi left of the team. The culés had fallen of deafening way in phase of groups, so much in the 2021/22 as in the 2022/2023, leaving a regrettable image. The history has changed and, to fault of a day to give by finalised the liguilla, already have his place ensured in the draw of the eighth of final.

The ones of Xavi Hernández have stepped forward, but the battle hardly goes beginning. In any case, seeing of where comes the team is a success rotundo and like this have left it glimpse from the directive. Deco Has been one of which has spoken and cleared that, at all times, has prevailed the confidence in the sportive project of the Barça and there has not been need to ratify at all, doing reference to the doubts that had generated with Xavi Hernández by the performance of the team in the last weeks.

Full confidence in Xavi

In statements to Movistar Ties of Champions, the sportive director culé has aimed that understood the pressure that had in the previous the team: "it Is normal, when it goes approaching the final stretch of Phase of Groups complicate the things but knew of the transcendence of this party. We came of an unexpected defeat after not doing a good party against the Shakhtar, touched to react and do a good party and have done it".

"Xavi is our trainer, has agreement and recently renewed. And when a club renews to his trainer is because it trusts he, there is not discussion"

The message on the confidence in Xavi and his project has been total: "it Is normal, know that it is normal the rumours in the Barça when it does not play well. But we in the day in day out know what want, know that we had to recover players, when we thought that had to all us lesiona Gavi... But this is the football and the important is the day in day out, how much work, how much suffer with the defeats and this is a team. We do not have to ratify at all, Xavi is our trainer, has agreement and recently renewed. And when a club renews to his trainer is because it trusts he, there is not discussion. I understand that when it does not play well and we do not win they have critical, but is normal. This is football and are accustomed".

The impact of the 'Joaos' in the Barça

The Brazilian has left clear which is the posture of the club regarding Joao Félix, the one who had happened twelve consecutive parties without seeing goal and that 'destapó' in the moment that more needed it the Barça. Deco Aimed that "we did not doubt, anyway doubted you (laugh). We in the day in day out know the capacity that has Joao, also has had a lot of load of minutes with 11, 12 parties gone on down the lesionados. A lot of parties has had possibility to mark, hit to the stick, other times does not go out... But this is like this. Happy by him for his confidence".

On the 'MVP' of the night, Joao Cancel, ensured that they already knew of the quality of the player and that were fichando to one of the players more determinants of the world: "When we brought to I Cancel we knew that he had this capacity to play by both bands, is a polyvalent player that can help us in this sense. It seems that the míster with Araujo, Koundé and Iñigo wanted to more defensive security but at the end the important is as we position us in the field and the attitude that have. Today we did a good party from beginning to end and is normal that had difficulties, the Carry is a big team".