Champions League Trophy


The calendar of the Champions League in the season 23/24

Published:28/09/2022 - 13:39h

Updated:28/09/2022 - 13:39h

The Champions League in its 2023/24 edition will begin on June 27 in its preliminary stage while the final phase will begin on September 19 and 20. The final will take place at Wembley on June 1

Calendar of FC Barcelona

While the stop of selections comes to an end and everything sets up to restart the activities to level of clubs, the UEFA already has given to know which will be the dates in which it will contest the following edition of the League of Champions. The tournament will go back to his usual dates after in the season in course have had to suffer modifications in an atypical year mundialista.

The continental season will initiate on 16 August with the meeting between the champions of the Champions and the Europe League, that dirimirán the Supercopa. Already from 27 June there will be commitments in the previous stage, that will consist of three phases clasificatorias to the decisive meetings to obtain the squares to the phase of groups of the contest in parties to gone (22 and 23 August) and turn (29 and 30 August).

The final phase of the tournament will start the days 19 and 20 September, for then already will know the groups in which they will be divided the 32 clubs participants. Once initiated, there will be so many alterations in the calendar as in the present edition. The following dates will play the 3-4 October, 24-25 October, 7-8 November, 27-18 November and 12-13 December.

The dates of the phase 'KO' of the Champions

After the wintry stop, the competition will be restarted in February, as it already has come being usual. These dates will divide to synchronise the tournament with the Europe League. In such sense, the eighth of final are foreseen for the 13-14 and 20-21 February for the parties of gone and the 5-6 and 12-13 March in the case of the commitments that will close the keys.

The quarter-finals will play in April the days 9 and 10 for the gone, whereas the turns will contest the 16 and 17. The last day of the month and on 1 May will mark the start of the semifinals, whereas the 7 and 8 May will know who will arrive to the decisive party that will contest on 1 June in the stadium of Wembley, where will be topped the new champion of Europe.