Paris Saint-Germain knows that the FC Barcelona has a high level of worry, as it could not be of another way, by the danger that represents Kylian Mbappé for the eliminatory of quarter-finals that will star both teams from this Wednesday 10 April (21:00 hours). In this sense, in the French capital are convinced that Xavi Hernández has, and will execute, a plan to try control to the maximum to the leading Frenchman.

And it is that the Parisians, as it informs 'Sportive World', think that the míster would follow the line that already showed in the last two seasons when to the Barça touched him confront to Vinicius Junior. The changing room of the PSG knows that it will be a party, and a series, of a lot of intensity, by what the small details of players like Kylian could finish defining all, and in front of this Xavi will not doubt in trying execute a plan 'anti-Mbappé'.

The PSG thinks that Xavi will follow the posture that already has had with Vinicius

It is worthwhile to remember that when Xavi has tried this type of strategies, no only with Vinicius, the marker chosen was Ronald Araújo, trying take advantage of the big physicist of the central and his capacity to correct his coverages in almost each played. However, the last experience of this strategy, in the Supercopa of Spain of this season, did not go at all positive for the Uruguayan, a point that does that the options go down certainly to see to Araújo again like side.

To this it is necessary to add him the big moment that Ronald lives like mate of Pau Cubarsí in the centre of the defence, by what if the Barça will aspire that some player can do him shadow of Mbappé will be the also French Jules Koundé. The defence, that acts like the right side of the Barça of fixed way from does several months again, would have to be the attendant to follow to the '7' of the PSG, especially taking advantage of his more defensive profile like carrilero.