Napoli and FC Barcelona, before the gone of eighth of Champions League


They assure that the Barça-Naples of the Champions will be at the Camp Nou

Published:13/06/2020 - 17:59h

Updated:13/06/2020 - 19:03h

The last rumours aimed that the FC Barcelona-Naples of Champions League would play in Lisbon, but seems that finally it will be in the Camp Nou

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The pandemia of the coronavirus forced to detain all the competitions futbolísticas, something that affected so much to the domestic leagues as to the international competitions. The Champions League, that just finish to initiate his eliminatory phases, detained with all the parties of gone of eighth of final played and some crosses decided with classified teams.

The Atalanta (won to Valencia), the Athletic of Madrid (won to the Liverpool), the Leipzig (won to the Tottenham Hotspur) and Paris Saint-Germain (won to the Borussia Dortmund) attained his note to the quarter-finals. Nevertheless, other crosses remained slopes to play : Juventus (0)-Olympique Lyon (1), Bayern Munich (3)-Chelsea (0), Manchester City (2)-Real Madrid (1) and FC Barcelona (1)-Naples (1).

The idea of the UEFA is to concentrate to all the teams in Portugal so that the rest of meetings play in the city of Lisbon to only party for like this concentrate the calendar so that there is time to play all the meetings. Nevertheless, the newspaper 'Bild' ensured this same week that the remaining parties of eighth of final also could be to only party in the capital lusa.

Said measure would be very unfair for the teams that have the parties of turn home, especially in eliminatory equalised like the ones of the Juventus-Lyon, the City-Madrid or the Barça-Naples with several teams losing by complete the factor field. According to the informations desveladas this same Saturday by 'L'Instrument', the parties will play finally in the corresponding field.

In this way, the FC Barcelona will be able to play in the Camp Nou the party of turn of his eliminatory against the Naples, that finished with a tie to one in Saint Paolo. This yes, the culés will not be able to have the support of the public in the terracings since the meetings will contest to enclosed door. The Real Madrid also will have to travel to the Etihad Stadium to try voltear the eliminatory against the City of Guardiola.

The opinion of Quique Setién

This Friday in press conference, Quique Setién admitted that it would be unfair to play the turn of eighth in neutral field. "They are suppositions. We will see if it carries out. It would hurt us a bit play the party against Naples in a neutral field when we have played there", said, adding that "the circumstances are like this and will accept it, there is not another way. In the Champions have a lot of options since have the best player of the world and this can bend the scales to our favour".