The captain of the FC Barcelona, Xavi Hernández, went another of the players of the FC Barcelona that participated in the Open Half Day with reason dela end of the Champions League that will confront him to the Juventus the next 6 June. "It is an end of career neither dreamed"

Ticket - Final Entrances UEFA Champions League 2015
Saturday 6 June 2015 (Olympic Stadium of Berlin)

In press conference, Xavi Hernández showed very ilusionado with the possibility to finish his career with the FC Barcelona achieving a triplete before putting course to Qatar. "Have the opportunity to live another final was from where was, the last party of my career like player of the Barcelona and is a final of Champions, is something extraordinary. It is an end of career neither dreamed, because it did not expect it". Although he leave to the To the Sadd, is convinced that in the FC Barcelona does not finish neither much less a cycle. "It does not finish a period, here remain a lot of players, am convinced that the Barça will follow winning titles and being very competitive".

Xavi remembers with a special feeling the finals of the Champions that has lived. "Of the three that won, did not participate in the first and in the second removed me the spine. Maybe in the one of Rome because I removed me the spine. But this is very beautiful. My last party in the Barça and want to win it. It is an end of spectacular career and want to finish winning it". The final of Wembley saw it home.

"I lived it home, my brothers yes went to Wembley. Memory that was a final suffered, the goal of Koeman, afterwards have arrived more and want the Fifth and have many win to achieve it". In another order, the one of Terrassa showed his wish that Luis Enrique continue being trainer of the FC Barcelona. "Ojalá Follow because it has showed what has showed. With him and with his approach has been a leader. We have worked and it has surpassed . I wish it for the good of the Barça".

And, finally, Xavi defended the freedom of expression of the fans to pitar the hymn of Spain. "We are in democracy and exists the freedom of expression. I think that the whistles does not be necessary to sanction them. It is necessary to ask the reason suceden and not to sanction it".