Josep Maria Bartomeu, voting to his candidature in the elections of 2015


Andreu Plaza defends to Bartomeu and devotes him the Champions in spite of the insults

Published:14/10/2020 - 19:50h

Updated:14/10/2020 - 19:50h

Andreu Square has received a lot of insults in the social networks after devoting him the title of the Champions of five-a-side football to the president of the club, but has reaffirmed his support

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Barça proclaimed champion of Europe of five-a-side football after defeating to ElPozo Murcia in the final by 2-1, thanks to the goals of Dyego and Aicardo. After raising the title, the trainer Andreu Square devoted him the trophy to the president of the club, Josep María Bartomeu, the one who lives a moment very complicated in the middle of the vote of censorship.

The trainer had declared after winning the party that obtain the title was the maximum wish and that therefore it wanted to devote it to "our president and until the last director that bets by this". Square explained that they have supported him at all times his decisions and that therefore they were important for the achievement of the title.

"Which problem there is in doing this? I am not saying at all against anybody"

The criticisms to Andreu Square in the social networks did not do expect. The fanatical culés him recriminaban to the trainer that devoted him a so important title to Bartomeu, taking in account the delicate situation that lives the Barcelona to institutional level. Square ensured that it treated of a gratitude to the directors by the support that he had received during the most difficult moments in the club.

In July of 2016, Andreu Square arrived to Barcelona like substitute of Marc Carmona. In the season 2018-2019, the Barça won for the second time in his history a triplete, after proclaiming champion of the League, Glass of Rey and Glass of Spain, that completed in the following campaign after achieving also champion of the Supercopa of Spain.

During all this time, Square has received the support of all the directors, especially of Bartomeu. It is thus that, in statements to Ràdio Barcelona, the trainer blaugrana showed angered by the negative answer of the fanatical.

Square aimed that the subject of Twitter "is catastrophic and denigrante". To his time, defended that the support to the president does not treat of a "political subject neither with which I had wanted to generate a fire". Besides, it highlighted that when it arrived to the club, nine years ago, the president that there is now already was in the board. "To me personally and to the section has treated us fantastically well. We have had all what needed, players, structure and support", expressed.

Bartomeu has been key for the five-a-side football

Square reiterated again the gratitude to the president blaugrana "repeat, devote him the Glass of Europe to the president Bartomeu. Which problem there is in doing this? I am not saying at all against anybody neither doing any political speech against or in favour of anybody. I have devoted it to him to a person that think that deserves it to him", puntualizó.

Of agreement to the trainer, there was not to anybody more than devoting him this triumph in addition to the president "as well as to Vidal-Cover (responsible director of the section) and to Albert Soler (general director of the sections). They deserve it to him by the support that give us".

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