The FC Barcelona has liveor this Thursday an Extraordinary General Assembly historical in which the Barcelona leaders have asked permission to the partners to activate the 'crowbars' economic, that are not 'more' that the sale of active of the club, for revertir in the short term the delicate financial situation by which crosses the club in the actuality and achieve close the exercise 2021-2022 without losses.

In the same, the managerial board of the Barça, chaired by Joan Laportto, has asked permission to sell 49,9% of the company that manages the licences and merchandansing of the club, BLM (Barça Licensing & Merchandising), society that went in in force in July of 2018 to explode the commercialisation of the products of the Barcelona club. It foresees that, with his sale, the club achieve around 200 million euros.

The vice-president of Barcelona marketing Juli Guiu has explained to the partners that "this season have an income estimated of 55 million euros, by the normalisation of the activity after the COVID", standing out that "more than 75% of the business is the local market. We need a partner to expand us to international level. The aim is to expand and grow in other markets. We have to can have a presence and grow in these markets. Have potential, but are not it doing".

The club reserves , however, desvelar with who are negotiating. Juli Guiu explained that "right now we can not explain it by questions of confidentiality, but will do the best possible operation", ensuring that there will be right of repurchase: "yes, it is basic, in a short and half period of term". The partners approved the sale of 49,9% of Barça Licensing & Merchandising with 568 votes in favour, 65 against and 13 in white.