La afición del FC Barcelona en el Camp Nou


Barça responds to the controversy over the incident with Atlético fans

Published:24/04/2023 - 21:16h

Updated:24/04/2023 - 21:16h

After a video in which a flag belonging to an Atlético de Madrid fan was removed went viral, the Barça club has made an official statement through its social platforms

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Monday, the FC Barcelona has issued a communiqué pronouncing in front of the controversy that had generated after the party against the Athletic of Madrid, to the viralizarse a video in the social networks in which some fans of the Madrilenian group hanged a flag of the club and of Spain, that was withdrawn immediately.

The Catalan entity received an important number of criticisms in these last hours, place accused him that they did not allow the Spanish flags in the Spotify Camp Nou. The club went out in his defence this Monday, through a conclusive communiqué, in which they deny the relate and that the action is justified in a rule that forbids to cover the advertising spaces with any sportive symbology, neither of the own Barça.

The communiqué of the FC Barcelona

"It is not allowed to cover the advertising spaces of the Stadium with any sportive symbology, although it was of the own Club, by what will take part when it produce a contrary situation to the norm", establishes the club. "Before the service of private security arrived to the place, a local fan went down of an upper place and withdrew this flag, leaving it beside the before quoted fan of the Athletic of Madrid. The group of intervention spoke with the fan of the Athletic and explained him the rule and asked him if it had had problems with some local fan".

The club sentenced aiming that "this follower, that presented compatible symptoms with being under the effects of the alcohol, manifested that it did not have any, but that some local fans of the zone had him increpado previously. The fan manifested to the watchdogs of security that preferred to see the party from another position, in an upper zone of the same mouth; it raised to relocate to himself same with his companion. The private security accompanied him, and in no case relocated him of form forzosa neither expelled him".

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