Joan Laporta during a press conference of the Barça


Economic collapse at Barça: There is no financial 'fair play' for any operation

Published:30/05/2022 - 16:35h

Updated:30/05/2022 - 16:58h

FC Barcelona sees its numbers in red, more than ever. The club is 'detained' and will not be able to complete any movement (not even renewals) because it does not have financial 'fair play'. They have called an urgent meeting

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During the morning of this Monday confirmed that the FC Barcelona does not have how inscribe to Franck Kessié and Andreas Christensen because it does not have 'fair play' financial and with the happen of the hours have desvelado more critical details on the situation of the club chaired by Joan Laporta. To day of today, the Barça can not complete any traspaso or renewal, not even the one of Sergi Roberto, that went to be announced during the past week.

The economy of the Barcelona entity goes in free fall and has begun to filter that are to the limit, by what for the moment is necessary to forget of the signings of Robert Lewandowski, Kalidou Koulibaly, Raphinha or, in definite, any player, as well as of the renewals of Sergi Robero and even Gavi. There is not with what do them and the Barça goes in in a state of collapse absolute, waiting for an urgent meeting this Tuesday in which they will take decisions to define the plan of action of the club.

In the Partidazo of the Chain COPE, the journalist Helena Condis has informed that from the past week "and the renewals were paralysed because there is not 'fair play' for nothing. Neither fichar, neither renew, neither inscribe to Kessié and Christensen. It is the raw reality", adding that this Tuesday will produce a key "meeting" in the Junquera to the that will assist Mateu Alemany.

Likewise, it specifies that Xavi Hernández is tightening to achieve the signings. For now, from the Barça can not give answers and are expecting to achieve the millionaire sale of a player (Frenkie of Jong) in addition to three exits of footballers in the weeks to come. Joan Laporta and his managerial board, of the same way, look forward to to activate any of the 'crowbars' economic in the next days to avoid that the crisis was but deep.

It foresees that this Tuesday the club announce an extraordinary Assembly (that it will be in the month of June and of telematic way) to request to the partners the permission to sell 49% of BLM (Barça Licensing & Merchandising) and of the rights of television, as it has informed 'SPORT' this Monday. It will decide in the same if they will sell one or the two active. The club expects to generate income, deeste way, of 320 million euros in total.

It has desvelado in the last days that the consortium formed by Fanatics and Invest Industrial would pay 200 millions by a percentage, whereas the others 120 'kilos' are negotiating right now with other sectors. In the case of the television rights, the Barça will have to choose between adding to LaLiga Impulse with the bottom investor CVC or the offer led by Goldman Sachs.

The Barça, forced to generate income

Joan Laporta confirmed it does some days during an interview offered to L'Esportiu of Catalonia, in which desveló that the situation of the Barça is, as little, critical. The club is still in the UCI, in what to the finances refers : "Although we generated determinate income, the criterion of LaLiga no us permetiría have margin salarial. We respect the norms, but understand that they are strict and are an offend comparative with other countries. We are speaking with LaLiga of these subjects, but see a position very enrocada. Simply: according to LaLiga, neither ingresando 600 million euros could have margin salarial"

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