Joan Laporta, presidente del FC Barcelona copy


Barça accelerates to present its version of the 'Negreira case'

Published:12/03/2023 - 20:34h

Updated:12/03/2023 - 20:34h

After the Prosecutor's Office presented its complaint for the 'Negreira case' and its relationship with FC Barcelona, from the offices of the Barça club they have intensified the work to be able to show, before Barcelona fans and the media, the official version of the club

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The 'case Negreira' is the main novelty in the Spanish football from does almost a month, when desveló that the FC Barcelona had paid important quantities to the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees, Enríquez Negreira. The Friday, the Fiscalía formalised his complaint against of the Barcelona club, like legal person, as well as the ex-presidents culés Sandro Rosell and Josep María Bartomeu.

The Fiscalía has accused that the Barça "reached and kept a verbal agreement strictly confidential with the reported Enríquez Negreira, so that, in his quality of vice-president of the CTA and in return of money, made tending performances to favour to the Barcelona in the taking of decisions of the referees in the parties that contested the club, and like this in the results of the competitions". The Barcelona, now, will take action to look for clean the image of the Barcelona entity.

The Barça will present his version of the 'case Negreira'

Although up to now from the club have kept the prudence, is not a secret for anybody that, shortly after that from the Chain BE or The World began desvelar the details of the relation of the Barcelona club with the exvicepresidente of the CTA, from the Barça began a deep internal investigation directed by the area of Compliance, the external and different lawyers responsible.

Although from the club transmit complete innocence, want to arrive to the trasforndo of the relation that kept the Barça with Negreira by almost two decades. Thus, as it informs 'Sportive World', in the last days the above-mentioned departments, with Communication and Presidency, work no rest to be able to 'give the expensive' in brief and explain all the details of one of the cases that more has generated controversial in the history of the Spanish football.

Joan Laporta will give a press conference

When the areas commissioned finish to collect all the information, data and can analyse in depth the 'case Negreira', the president of the Barcelona club Joan Laporta will expose the position of the Barça in a press conference. 'MD' explains that, as late, will produce in two weeks (when it already will have happened month and half since destapó all the case). They want to have all the details tied to avoid confusions and offer all the possible information, with such to clean the image of the club.

It will be a key step for the Barça, because up to now it has kept the absolute silence further of the message of Joan Laporta, this Sunday, asking calm to the barcelonismo. From the club, since dilvulgara the information, have aimed that it treats a campaign of desprestigio and against of the honorabilidad of the blaugrana. Now, they will have to speak of conclusive way.

It changed all the communiqué and decision of the Real Madrid?

The recent decision of the Real Madrid, of personarse in the 'case Negreira' when the judge accept and open, as such, the case, has revolutionised to all the Barça. After the extraordinary Board of the White House, expressed that "the Real Madrid self-evident his deep worry on the gravity of the facts and reiterates his full confidence in the action of the justice and has agreed that, in defence of his legitimate interests, personará in the procedure in what the judge open it to the parts prejudiced".

The message no caló positively in Can Barça and, minutes afterwards, Joan Laporta shared a communiqué in his social networks: "Culers, are calm. The Barça is innocent of what accuses him and victim of a campaign against his honorabilidad in which now already are all. Any surprise, will defend to the Barça and will show the innocence of the Club. Many will have to rectify".

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