Eduard Romeu and Joan Laporta


How much money will Barça enter for the economic 'levers'?

Published:17/06/2022 - 01:13h

Updated:17/06/2022 - 10:03h

In the Extraordinary General Assembly, the activation of the sale of 49.9% of Barça Licensing & Merchandising (BLM) and 25% of the club's television rights was approved, two 'levers' that will save the 21-22 financial year of the draw azulgrana

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has lived a day importantísima in the Extraordinary General Assembly in which the partners gave green light so that the directive of Joan Laporta execute the sales of 49,9% of Barça Licensing & Merchandising (BLM) and 25% of the television rights by the next years. The club has free road to negotiate both 'traspasos' and expects to generate sufficient income to close the exercise 2021-2022 without losses.

And it is that, further of the signings (that they also influence), the main intention of the Barça with the sale of the active of the club has been, at all times, sanear the economy. It is necessary to have present that the club has a negative net heritage of 450 million euros and that in this exercise accumulated losses of 120 or 150 'kilos'. The Barcelona need, in this sense, reach the 600M for, between other things, go out to the market of passes with normality, remembering that the limit salarial at present is of -144M.

Joan Laporta has recognised it during the Assembly in front of the questions of the partners: "The Barça needs 600 millions to recover the normality and go it to achieve before the planned", explaining that that is, in question, the mount minimum that the club expects to reach with the activation of the sales of 49,9% of BLM and 25% of the television rights by the next years. It foresees that the sale of the percentage of the company that manages the licences and merchandansing leave in the arks of the club around 275 millions.

Of agreement to the assessment that has done the club, the business is valued in his whole in 700 'kilos', but the investors querán buy the percentage by less. The Barcelona, with the approval of the partners, will be able to go out now to look for the agreement that better result and achieve the greater quantity of possible income. The Barça, in any case, expects to recover BLM in the next years and can explode it from the 'house'.

Joan Laporta explained in one of his interventions that "pose us explode it we same, had a strategic plan very very done, validated by the people that have directed by BLM and criticised by the people that have directed BLM. The paper holds it everything. In five years went us to 350-400 millions in five years. The 1.200 millions that will cost inside six years will be because it injects him an important capital by 49,9%".

Income by the television rights

The second point approved by the partners in the Assembly, the sale of 25% of the television rights of the club, also will generate big income. The economic vice-president of the Barça, Eduard Romeu, explained that each 10% of the sale will represent for the club one hundred million euros. It ensured, besides, that the operation can close perfectly before 30 June.

In concrete, aimed that "have several proposals and will take the best option. From a percentage of revaluation we can limit this profit, that would give us back reducing the term", standing out that "we ask until a maximum of 25% and each ten percent minimum 200 millions to a time limit of 25 years".

When they will activate the 'crowbars'?

Of agreement to the statements of Joan Laporta, the Barça is in the capacity to concretise the two sales before it finalise the present exercise, that is to say, in less than two weeks. The maximum mandator showed sure to 90% to be able to achieve it to time: "I Come with the security that we will be able to do the sale of the television rights in 90% before 30 June", said for 'reassure' to the partners.

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