Josep Maria Bartomeu, going to the offices of the FC Barcelona


The meeting is over: Bartomeu does not resign and will extend his mandate

Published:26/10/2020 - 19:07h

Updated:26/10/2020 - 22:41h

Josep Maria Bartomeu, president of the FC Barcelona, has decided not resigning and expect the final decision of the Procicat on the vote of censorship

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Monday in the afternoon has celebrated , in the installations of the Camp Nou, the key meeting for the future of the president of the FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, and of his managerial board. Finally, the maximum mandator culé has decided that will follow, for the moment, at the head of the club to face the motion of censorship programmed for the days 1 and 2 of the next month of November.

Josep Maria Bartomeu, that will appear in front of the media this same Wednesday to the 19:00 hours, will expect events to see if the PROCICAT (Plan of Civil defence in Catalonia) positions about the date of the vote of censorship, since because of the high index of propagation of the coronavirus seems in check the celebration of the same.

Like this the things, Josep Maria Bartomeu and his managerial board see a real possibility that the referendum by the motion of censorship do not finish celebrating and, therefore, an opportunity to grasp to the charge and not resigning. The Generalitat considers seriously another confinement of his citizens so that the pandemia no advance, establishing a stage that would make impossible to allow a vote, not even if this is decentralised or by means of turns.

It is necessary to remember that Josep Maria Bartomeu commanded a letter to the Govern waiting for that Pere Aragonès, President in functions of the Generalitat, to know if it gave green light to the referendum of the vote of censorship. "I have summoned (...) A managerial Board, extraordinary and urgent, and taking into account the importance of his answer to the present, see me in the obligation to manifest him that will consider interrupted the computation of the term (of days) that our statutes indicate for the announcement and back vote, to end and effect to allow have of a main element of trial to adopt, when it correspond a decision in this regard, so main like the confirmation by part of the President of the Generalitat that 'in these moments does not exist in Catalonia any obstacle of legal type neither sanitary that prevent the celebration of the Vote of Censorship in the initially foreseen dates by the FC Barcelona of safe form' taking into account besides that the vote will have to carry out in our stadium in front of the material impossibility to deploy the 21 headquarters that posed in his moment".

Now, to the FC Barcelona will touch him expect the final decision by part of the Catalan government. If the answer is positive and the Generalitat considers that they give the necessary sanitary conditions to celebrate the vote of censorship, the possibilities are that Josep Maria Bartomeu fix like dates the days 1 and 2 and November to celebrate the referendum in the Camp Nou like only headquarters; or that finally present the resignation.

Complicated that it celebrate in the Camp Nou like only headquarters of the vote

The pandemia experiences strong burgeon and, in front of this, discerns complicated that it celebrate the vote of censorship with the Camp Nou as only headquarters. Gerard Figueras, Secretari General of l'Esport, has ensured that "the best would be not agglutinating the vote in a same headquarters. We would not have to recess the measures of security of face to the partner of the FC Barcelona because has some specific characteristics". Everything is, therefore, in the air.

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