Joan Laporta, during the presentation of precandidature to the presidency of the FC Barcelona


Joan Laporta reveals Florentino Pérez's reaction to his canvas

Published:18/12/2020 - 21:28h

Updated:19/12/2020 - 12:42h

Joan Laporta presented to fifteen of the directors that will accompany him in his attempt of return to the presidency of the FC Barcelona and also commented appearances of his campaign

Calendar of FC Barcelona

During the afternoon of this Friday, Joan Laporta has presented to fifteen of the members that will form his Managerial Board if it wins the elections to the presidency of the FC Barcelona of the next 24 January. It treats of Rafael Yuste; Antonio Escudero; Alfons Castro; Aureli But; Josep Maria Albert; Xavier Barbany; Miquel Camps; Xavier Puig; Joan Solé; Josep-Ignasi Macià; Jordi Llauradó; Josep Cubells; Elena Fort; Juli Guiu and Jaume Turned.

It is necessary to remember that five of them -Yuste, Castro, Macià, Cubells and Fort- already did team with him in his previous stage. "For me it is a pleasure have all these people, that are extraordinary and of big professional success. They put to the service of the Barcelona because they want to to the club. They put his talent and sabiduría to the service of the Barça in a very complicated situation. Economically it is a ruin, but will give him the turn to base of work very done and to sell to the club by all the world", said Joan Laporta.

"The canvas was a big idea of our director of campaign, and the sentence that went out in the canvas is kind and nice"

The ex Barcelona president and precandidato to the elections ensured that had clear that would present to the elections from 2015. "I decided that it would present me the day that finish the elections of the 2015. Had clear that would go back it to do, that would go back me present. I seat me with experience to take decisions and change the situation in which it is the club. Have the high morals and are what the Barça needs", manifested.

As it could not be of another form, Joan Laporta also commented his controversial advertising campaign planting a canvas of big dimensions to few metres of Santiago Bernabéu. "We headed to the partners and peñistas of the Barcelona in Madrid, pretended to send a message that we want to give back the self-esteem to the Barcelona and that act of form desacomplejada. It was a big idea of our director of campaign, and the sentence that went out in the canvas is kind and nice", commented.

In fact, Joan Laporta ensured to know at first hand that Florentino Pérez, president of the Real Madrid, took the banner with humour. "It forms part of the rivalry of the world of the football, never have wanted to offend to anybody. Has irony, but already is. Our intention was not that they took it to him badly. Florentino know that it took it to him with sense of the humour. This gives life to all this show that is the football, but without happening you of limits, that are the violence or acts that do not have fit", explained.

Xavi, Mateu Alemany and the campaign

The ex president and current precandidato also answered on Xavi Hernández, that pronounced indirectly on the elections in an open letter. "We want to win and have a trainer that train, some players that enjoy, that there is a technical office that work... We are very concentrated and do not want to give names for no desestabilizar. We can not go in in argucias to give names by a lot of path that have in the Barcelona".

Joan Laporta also pronounced on Mateu Alemany, one of the names that have been related with his precandidatura. "To the big team that have will go adding people that will accompany us in this challenge. It is a person of a prestige and experience very important. But I will keep the reservation. I will announce the managerial team along the campaign", signalled.

In definite, Joan Laporta did balance of his campaign to date. "It is the third week, progresses properly. We have marked profile. We have had a good activity. We have not committed errors of the first week; neither in the second after the meeting with the confederation of penyes. And afterwards, as in the third have visited the distinct headquarters in the crags. We have marked the profile with the message to the partners and to the peñistas. A message that we want to go back the self-esteem to the barcelonismo. Engine of optimism", sentenced.


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