Matías Suárez with the Argentinian selection


Matías Suárez and his almost signing culé by request of Guardiola

Published:8/06/2021 - 00:24h

Updated:8/06/2021 - 00:24h

Matías Suárez ensured that his dream is to return to the Argentinian selection and that does some years could be mate of Messi and Mascherano

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Matías Suárez, forward of River Plate, spoke on an old possibility of recalar in the Barcelona, when Pep Guardiola was near of ficharle for the team through his agent. In that moment, played for the Anderlecht of the Belgian league, team in which it left big numbers.

The interview was made in Channel IP to review a bit on the actuality of the player and also of the Argentinian selection, that is in the middle of the parties to eliminatory for the world-wide of Catar 2022.

"In his moment Pep Guardiola spoke with my representative to play in the Barcelona, but can not say much more... Afterwards all remained here, in the at all", went the statement that left Suárez in relation to the opportunity to be mate of Messi and Mascherano, Argentinians with a lot of weight in the changing room of that team.

Inside the conversations that had in relation to the selection of Argentina, left very in clear that it wants to play for his country once again and accompany to the boys of the team on the way to Catar of the next year, although it also understands that the competition has his level and will not be at all simple.

"Dress again the T-shirt of the Selection and play with Messi, but am realistic and knew that it went to to be complicated to be in the list of Scaloni. At any rate, I do not lose the illusion to go back to play for the Selection", cleared in relation to the contingents that already have owner with Lautaro and Messi like main attackers.

Glass America complicated

Definitely it will be a Glass difficult America, in case to play it, because cancel it in Colombia and Argentinian by subjects of pandemia, did that the Brazilian players put a firm posture against of the event by the same subject. Matías knows it well and has his opinion on the subject.

"The world is complicated, is a very grave problem. It is complicated to play in a country that is happening it truly badly. The players also have fear and have fear to play in Brazil", declared.

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