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New chapter in the 'Negreira case': The former referee requests to appear!

Published:18/03/2023 - 00:02h

Updated:18/03/2023 - 00:02h

After Enríquez Negreira's statement to the Treasury about his relationship and the payments from FC Barcelona came to light, 'MARCA' has revealed that the former vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees has decided to appear in his own case

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The last days have been full of informations and advances on the 'case Negreira', after it admitted the complaint of the Fiscalía against of the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) by the payments that received of the FC Barcelona by less than two decades, that surpassed the seven million euros. The Court of Instruction Num. 1 of Barcelona has begun the exhaustive work and do not leave to appear new 'bombazos'.

In addition to the statement of Enríquez Negreira to Inland revenue, in October of 2021, desvelado by 'El País', the newspaper 'MARK' has had access to the document with which the Court of Instruction Num. 1 of Barcelona admitted to formality the querella of Estrada Fernández and the complaint of the Fiscalía, standing out that the exvicepresidente the CTA has personado in the cause.

Negreira wants to all the information of his case

Of agreement to this information, Negreira wants to have to disposal all the discoveries and advances of the investifación, as well as the summary of the case. They have explained that, in the document, urges to Negreira to contribute the writing of power in a term of ten days. In the moment that do it, will decide if there is sufficient reasons so that it can personarse.

Like this then , it adds a new chapter to the 'case Negreira' that dominates to all the Spanish football and that it can have big consequences if they confirm the indictments, remembering that the jueza estimates that yes there are indications that the involved committed the crimes to which accuse in the querella, presented by Estrada Fernández, and the Fiscalía, by crime of corruption between individuals in the sportive field, crime continued of disloyal administration and crime continued of falsity in mercantile document against José María Enríquez Negreira, Óscar Grau, Albert Soler, Sandro Rosell, Josep Maria Bartomeu and the FC Barcelona like legal person, as well as a crime of sportive corruption or sportive fraud by the querella of Fernández.

The Barça keeps to the margin in the 'case Negreira'

For the moment, from the Barça have not gone back to pronounce of official way regarding the 'case Negreira' further of the communiqué that issued on 15 February, the day that 'destapó' the case. The president of the club, Joan Laporta, yes has spoken in several opportunities, but is expecting that it finalise the internal investigation of the club to issue a press conference in which present, definitively, the posture of the club.

In his last apparition, in the previous of the Classical, the maximum Barcelona mandator aimed that "the campaign that are suffering is not casualidad and has like aim desestabilizar in the short term to the team and to half term control and remain with the Barça. Will have time to explain you who, why and how want to orquestar this campaign".

Laporta Insisted in that "you do not have any doubt that we will defend us. And no only this, also will attack. But now we have to concentrate us in encouraging to our players because the first aim that have is desestabilizar to the team and have to encourage to our technicians and footballers so that they win the party. I think that we do not have to be centred in other respects that divert the attention of our players".

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