Joan Laporta con uno de los informes del 'caso Negreira'


New twist in the 'Negreira case'! The judge summons the former vice president of the CTA

Published:25/01/2024 - 17:36h

Updated:25/01/2024 - 17:36h

Despite his memory problems, José María Enríquez Negreira has been summoned by the Judge in charge of the 'Negreira case' to testify in court. Joaquín Aguirre defends that he is in a position to do so

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The 'case Negreira' great a new chapter. The headline of the court of instruction number 1 of Barcelona and attendant of the investigation on the relation and the payments of the FC Barceona to the exvicepresidente of the Technical Committee (CTA), Joaquín Aguirre, has quoted to José María Enríquez Negreira to declare in judicial headquarters as "investigated" and in spite of his problems by heart.

The judge descarta, like this then , that the exvicepresidente of the referee's community was incapacitated to declare on the relation that was supported by the Catalan entity between 2001 and 2018 that translated in the payment of around eight million euros and whose investigation began does almost a year. José María Enríquez Negreira is in conditions to confront to the justice, in his condition of imputed, to offer his version of all the occurred by almost two decades.

Joaquín Aguirre has received the reports of the forensic, that explored to Negreira in October of 2023 -when it went out to the light his video falling to the hour to go out- to determine if it suffered symptoms of dementia. The results have concluded that the exvicepresidente of the CTA is in mental conditions to be enjuiciado. The Institute of Legal Medicine of Catalonia (IMLCF) has been the attendant to carry out the report to corroborate the report that had presented, before, the defence of Negreira.

Joaquín Aguirre asked 'deepen' in the reports of Negreira

In this first study, as 'The Spanish' cleared that the exárbitro "suffers a cognitive deterioration that incapacitates him to be able to face a penal process", standing out that had a "principle of Alzhéimer" after a report elaborated by the Foundation ACE Alzhéimer Center of Barcelona and that it was presented at the beginning of February of 2023 -before the 'case Negreira' was public- in front of the Unit of the Judicial Police ascribed to the Fiscalía. The new results, demanded by the headline of the court of instruction number 1 of Barcelona, sustain that yes it is in capacities to face said process.

In October of the past year, presented a new report elaborated porla medical forensic Hope L. Gómez Durán in which it had expressed that suffered "a progressive deterioration in this last year" and "fulfils criteria of dementia at least from September of 2022". It was in this moment when Aguirre asked "to expand the dictamen" to clear "mental illness that suffers" and the "degree of accountability", as they remember this Thursday in 'The Spanish'.

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